NEARLY THERE LUKE 1:5 – 25, 57 - 80
NEARLY THERE Advent is a time of waiting expectantly Counting down to Christmas Sometimes it seems it will never actually arrive
NEARLY THERE God’s promise of a messiah had been long awaited by the Jewish people – King David lived 1000 years earlier, Isaiah 700 years, Malachi 400 years And still they waited Some were expectant (think of Simeon and Anna in Luke 2) For some it probably seemed like some mythical legend (think King Arthur)
NEARLY THERE Zachariah’s personal waiting times To become a father – but his wife was barren For his prayers to be answered To be chosen to serve in the Temple to burn incense – passed over year after year One day he was finally chosen for the task
NEARLY THERE Zachariah’s encounter with the angel Gabriel His fearful response and the angel’s reassurance His prayers will be answered – Elizabeth would bear a child Not just any child but the one promised who would prepare the way for the Messiah Zachariah is full of doubt and so is struck dumb (20)
NEARLY THERE The people awaiting him could tell that something remarkable had happened to him but he was unable to tell them Elizabeth conceived but kept it hidden for five months – was she afraid of disappointment?
NEARLY THERE Elizabeth gives birth to a boy (57) Her neighbours rejoiced with her The day comes for the boy to be circumcised and named Zachariah has still not said a word Most people expected the child to be named after his father but Elizabeth insists on John Zachariah confirms this and finally his speech is restored
NEARLY THERE Zachariah is filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied God’s promises are being fulfilled Salvation is on its way from God The child will be the prophet of the Highest and prepare the way for the Messiah (76) The dreams of the devout Jewish people are about to come true
NeArLy THERE CONCLUSION What are we waiting for? What promise has God not yet fulfilled? Would we believe it if the answer came in an unexpected way? Are we waiting for Jesus’ Second Coming? Do we have a sense that we are nearly there? If so, how should we prepare so that we will be ready for His Return?