Léopold Sédar Senghor Stone o’donnell
Joal, present day senegal
Country The area of Senegal was once part of the West African Empire The country takes its name from the river that runs along its northern and eastern borders Large agriculture based on peanuts, millet, and sorghum
Population: 15,710,675 Male: 49.6% Female: 50.4% Wolof 43.3% Pular 23.8% Serer 14.7% Jola 3.7% Mandinka 3% Soninke 1.1% European and Lebanese 1% Other 9.4%
Religion Christian 5% (mostly Roman Catholic) Muslim 94% Indigenous Beliefs 1% Most religions are mixed with different beliefs such as animism They think suspiciously of those who do not practice a religion
Language French (Official) English Serer Alpuular Mandingo Diola Bassari Wolof Dakar-Wolof, mix of Wolof, French, Arabic, and English
Culture Greetings are crucial in Senegal Griot, keeper of knowledge and wisdom, well respected in society Common instrument used is the Kora Drums play important roll Known for jewelry Just as in most African countries, Animism plays a huge role in society
History Paleolithic and Neolithic wall paintings, tools, and pottery have been found in the Senegal River valley Had constant contact with North Africa The Portuguese turned the island of Gorée into a graveyard for sailors and established a profitable trade in slaves and gold along the coast of Senegal French established first settlements in 1638 In 1840, the French government declared Senegal a permanent French possession, abolished all forms of slavery, and granted full citizenship to those born in Senegal On April 1960, Senegal was proclaimed an independent nation The country's governing political party is the Senegalese Progressive Union (Union Progressiste Sénégalaise, or UPS), which was founded in 1949 and led by Léopold Sédar Senghor
Literary Tradition Literature is usually written in French, but is also written in Arabic and Wolof Deals with animism Literature known world-wide thanks to Léopold Sédar Senghor
Léopold Sédar Senghor Born: October 9, 1906 Died: December 20, 2001(aged 95) Place of Birth: Joal, modern day Senegal Religion: Roman Catholicism Education: University of Paris Politics: First President of Senegal, socialist party Relevant Literary or Philisophical Movement: Négritude Genres: short stories, poems Was known for animism, was a socialist but divided himself from Marxism
Sources "Léopold Sédar Senghor." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2016. 1902, By. "Senegal." Culture of. Advameg Inc., 2016. Web. 02 Oct. 2016. News." A Look at Senegal' S Culture and Economy. ChildFund, 2016. Web. 02 Oct. 2016.
Léopold Sédar Senghor Born: October 9,1906 Died: December 20, 2001