Tutorial of Unix Command & shell scriptS 5027 Professor: Dr. Shu-Ching Chen TA: Hsin-Yu Ha
Outline Log in Unix Basic Commands Shell script
Outline Log in Unix Basic Commands Shell script
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Outline Log in Unix Basic Commands Shell script
Commands about Files (1) ls : list the contents of your current directory. Format Options -a : list all the files include the hidden ones -l : list not only the files name but also the related info -t : list the contents by modified date ls [option] [directory][file]
Commands about Files (2) File permission Field1 : A set of ten permission flags Field2 : link count Field3 : owner of the file Field4 : associated group of the file Field5 : size Field 6-8 : Last modification date Field9 : file name
Commands about Files (3) chmod : change the permission flags of the files Format Example chmod g+w myfile chmod g-rw myfile chmod u=rw go= myfile chmod –R g+rw myfile chmod [option] [types][+/-][types of permission] filename
Commands about Files (4) pwd : print out the current working directory cd : change directory cd . (.) means the current directory C (..) means the parent of current directory Cd cd with no argument will return you to your home directory cd . cd .. cd Use the commands cd, ls and pwd to explore the file system.
Commands about Files (5) cp : copy files Format Options -i : It can be used to avoid overwriting the original file -r : Copy the folder and all the files and subfolders under it. mv : move a file from one place to another or rename a file. cp [option] File1 File2 mv File1 File2
Commands about Files (6) mkdir : making directory Format rm : remove files or directories Option -i : ask before actually delete -r : delete the folders and all the files and subfolders under it mkdir Directory_name rm [option] file1 file2 file3…
Commands about Files (7) test : A command in Unix that evaluates conditional expressions. Format or The functions will return true if the object exist or the condition specified is true. File functions -d Filename : Filename is a directory -s Filename : Filename has a size greater than 0 -f Filename : Filename is a regular file test expression [ expression ]
Commands about File’s contents (1) cat : display the contents of a file on the screen Format head : display the first ten lines of a file to the screen tail : display the last ten lines of a file to the screen cat file1 head –n file1 tail –n file1
Commands about File’s contents (2) wc : word count Format Options -w : find out how many words the file has -l : find out how many lines the file has wc [options] file
Commands about File’s contents (3) grep : It searches files for the specified words or patterns. Format: Options: -c : Display the number of columns which satisfied the pattern. -i : Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN and the input files. -v : Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines. grep [options] [pattern] file
Pipe : It cause the execution of multiple processes from one single line A | B | C
Commands about File’s contents (4) Redirection > and >> can be used on the output of most commands to direct their output to a file. Examples
Commands about Text processing (1) sort : sort lines of a text file or files Default : sort without any option will sort the file alphabetically Format uniq : remove duplicate adjacent lines from sorted file. sort [option] file
Commands about Text processing (2) sed: One ultimate stream editor Detail Tutorial : http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html Important function -> Substitution Format : sed 's/term1/term2/g‘ filename
Commands about Text processing (3) cut : extract sections from each line of a file. Format Option -c : character -f : field -d “:” : delimiter (default is a tab) Range N-M N- -M cut [options] [range] filename
Outline Log in Unix Basic Commands Shell script
Shell script intro (1) Scripts are collections of commands that are stored in a file. Detail Tutorial http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/ Basic Vi commands vim filename i : switch to the editing(insert) mode Esc +:q! Leave the vim program without saving the file Esc +:w Save the file Esc +:wq Save the file and leave the vim program
Shell script intro (2) First shell script Note that to make a file executable, you must set the eXecutable bit, and for a shell script, the Readable bit must also be set.
Shell script intro (3) Variable
Shell script intro (4) IF LOOP
Shell script intro (5) For Loop
Shell Script Intro (6) Useful concept $( commands)