The 2nd Industrial Revolution Germany overtakes Britain as fastest growing New Technology Large scale production- factories Increased consumer spending More available capital
Created the electric engine or the dynamo Michael Faraday 1830’s Father of Electronics Created the electric engine or the dynamo
Inventor of the Light Bulb Thomas Alva Edison 1874-1931 Inventor of the Light Bulb
Edison’s Last Breath Henry Ford Museum Dearborn, Michigan
Created a patent for the telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Created a patent for the telephone
Making a call
Inventor of the telegraph Guiseppe Marconi 1874-1947 Inventor of the telegraph
Telegraph Keys from a Ship
The first internal combustion engine
First automobile – Karl Benz
Henry Ford and the Model T
The Assembly Line at the Ford Plant
Wilbur and Orville Wright 1903 First Patented Sustained Flight Kitty Hawk, NC
Theory of Natural Selection Charles Darwin British Naturalist 1859 Origin of Species Theory of Natural Selection
Charles Darwin in 1854 Charles Darwin as an old man
HMS Beagle
Five-Year Journey to the Galapagos Islands
Social Darwinism Applied Darwin’s theory to present society Ignored parts of Darwin’s theory such as the necessity of a great deal of time Used to justify competition and domination Superiority of one group over another Linked to genetics- eugenics
Investigated heredity Gregor Mendel Austrian monk Investigated heredity
Edward Jenner Vaccine for Smallpox 1796
Discovers Bacteria and Germs Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 Discovers Bacteria and Germs
Dimitri Mendeleyev Created the Periodic Table of Elements Discovered motion of atoms
Expand the theory of radioactivity Pierre and Marie Curie Expand the theory of radioactivity
New Ideas - Inventions Molecular Structure Dynamite Periodic Table Electricity Vaccination for Smallpox Puzzles Living Things have Cells Penicillin Theory of Relativity X-rays Quantum Physics
Albert Einstein Theory of Relativity
Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis