Clauses De
Clauses are units of grammar that contains at least one predicate and one subject. A predicate consists of the verb of a sentence. Ex. The ice melted. Words and phrases make up clauses. Definition
Clause vs. phrase A clause is different from a phrase. A clause has a subject and predicate. Phrases do not have a subject or predicate.
Examples Simple Sentences contain only one clause. Tim played. The long and windy road. The Quips won the game. Into the tree. Jim passed the test. The big comfy couch. Miss Hall baked fish. A man in Pittsburgh swam in the river. Can you find the clauses? Examples
Answers (played, won, passed, baked, swam) What clues did you use to find the answers?
All clauses has one verb or verb group. Some contain more than one. 1) Jim has been sleeping in class. 2) Tommy will pass the test. Examples cont.
Types of Clauses There are two main types of clauses. Independent Clause-makes sense by itself (who) Dependent Clause-cannot be a sentence by itself (what) Types of Clauses
Brain Break Think about what you just learned. Questions? Concerns? Confusions? Wonderings? After all are clear on the concept, move on to an activity. Brain Break
Independent Vs. Dependent Independent Clause A independent clause is a clause that can stand by itself as a sentence. It is also known as a simple sentence. It tells us who. Like all clauses, it has a subject and a predicate. I washed my dog yesterday. Dependent Clause A dependent clause does not express a complete thought, so it cannot stand alone as a sentence. Like all clauses, it has a subject and verb. Gives the effect. I washed my dog yesterday (independent) because he fell in the mud (dependent). Predicate in red, subject underlined. Independent Vs. Dependent
Connectors You can connect two independent clauses. There are several ways this can be done: And- Adam went to the party and he bought a gift. But- Tracy really wanted to buy the pink sweater but she already spent her money. Or-You can type your paper or you can handwrite it. Nor-She was not able to attend the play nor was she interested. Yet- The girl has detention yet she is still late for class everyday. So- He plays the piano well so he attends advanced classes. By using a semicolon By using a semicolon and conjunction verb: However, Moreover, Nevertheless, As a result, Consequently Connectors
Activity Use two sticky notes. Write independent on one and dependent on the other. On each sticky note, create one independent and dependent clause. You have 5 minutes (Think, Pair, Share) Activity
Typically there are no connector words or punctuation used to connect a dependent clause with an independent clause. Dependent Clauses can be identified by words that signals cause and effect, time, possibility, contrast and purpose. Cause and Effect-because, so that Time-when, until, before, after, once, while, as soon as, as long as Possibility-if, in case, unless, whether or not Contrast-even though, although, whereas Purpose- so that, as far as Connectors Cont.
The Clause is essential. Clauses will increase the quality of your writing. Next time you write a sentence, identify the independent and dependent clauses. If you have a dependent clause with no independent clause, you need to revise your writing. Dependent clauses can help you avoid using sentence fragment. The Clause is essential.
Let’s apply what we learned! Dependent and Independent Clause (get it?) Let’s apply what we learned!