Day 43 Fiction and clauses Instructor: KYLE BRITT
Objectives Understand and identify clauses Identify elements of fiction in a short story. Homework Ch 1-4 LotF by Wed. Final draft due Thurs. Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.
Agenda Warm Up – Phrases 8 Min Vocabulary exercises 15 Min Guided Practice – Clauses 20 Min The Most Dangerous Game 20 Min MDG worksheet 15 Min Closure – Vocab Phrases 8 Min A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.
Warm Up- Pre-reading questions Write a short response for each question: 1. What is the most dangerous game (hunted animal)? 2. What does it take to be a hunter? Prey? 3. What does it take to be a survivor? Introductory notes.
Vocabulary English I : Compose a short story about a day at AK using 8 of the vocabulary words. Underline the vocabulary word used. Honors: Compose a short story about eating lunch using 8 of the vocabulary words in this unit. Underline the vocabulary word used. Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.
Clauses A clause is a word group that contains a subject and its subject. It can be used as a sentence or part of a sentence. Example : Tom loved cars. (Subject, Verb) Relative vocabulary list.
Independent Clauses Expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a sentence. Aka Main clauses. Ex: Tom loves cars. Ex: Tom loves cars that are really fast. Ex: Tom loves cars that are really fast, and he is a great driver. Relative vocabulary list.
Subordinate Clause Aka dependent clause Does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a sentence. Contains a subordinator (when, if, that, while, etc) Ex: Because the road was slick Ex: What we need for the picnic Ex: That you are reading
Clauses Work with your partner to complete the clauses practice. Make sure to write your name on top. Converse with your partner only. Stay on task.
The Most Dangerous Game Turn to page 6 in your Interactive Reader. You will need to read and annotate the story. Read pages 6-29. Annotate for plot, theme, and characterization.
The Most Dangerous Game Answer the questions concerning the tale as we read. Make sure to answer in complete sentences and on a separate sheet of paper. Write your name at the top.
Story Analysis I will put you into 3 person groups. I will hand you a discussion sheet. Discuss the story and use the question sheet to drive your conversation. Answer each question.
Closure Construct 3 sentences. The sentences must include vocabulary words. You must demonstrate clauses in each sentence. An opportunity for questions and discussions.