Ingredients 4,000 plus chemicals Nicotine- stimulant that causes the addiction Tar- Flavor of the cigarette; consist of 100+ known carcinogens(cancer agents); Forms a brown sticky substance that lines the lungs.
Carbon monoxide- decrease red blood cells Polonium 210- radioactive substance Cyanide- poison found in pest control products. Formaldehyde- used as a preservative
Dangers Premature death- 1 cigarette=5 ½-10 minutes Chronic bronchitis- excessive mucus with chronic cough Emphysema- destroys air sacs in lungs causing difficulty to breathe Heart disease- increase heart rate, blood pressure and constricts blood vessels
Cancer- mouth, larynx, esophagus, lips, lungs Other health problems- bad breath, dulls taste buds and smell, stains teeth, ulcers, premature wrinkling and balding, harms immune system, gum disorders and allergies.
Reasons for tobacco use Peer pressure Help with weight loss To look more grown-up Parents, celebrities, role models smoke Looks cool Media- millions of dollars a year advertising their products Addiction Rebel- told not to smoke
Addiction- Physical & psychological Tobacco as addictive as cocaine & heroin. Withdrawal Difficulty sleeping Crave nicotine Moody Nervous Hungry
Tolerance Body needs more of the drug to get the same effect. Passive smoking/Second-hand smoke Sidestream- smoke from the burning end of the cigarette Mainstream- smoke the smoker exhales