Action 1 Development of a port community to offer effective and efficient response to mobility needs Rather than detailing tasks we will be carrying out.


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Presentation transcript:

Action 1 Development of a port community to offer effective and efficient response to mobility needs Rather than detailing tasks we will be carrying out in the following technical meeting, I’d like to sketch out today a few considerations on the framework we think ports and maritime cities exist in. (quanto segue è materia del tavolo tecnico) … come: un tavolo per ragionare di un database di infrastrutture esistenti. Lo scheletro è GILDA e l’applicativo GIS demanio, che può essere ulteriormente sviluppato (per esempio in termini ambientali) per farne un DSS e migliorare la qualità delle decisioni pubbliche (nel nostro caso). L’obiettivo ultimo è incrementare la produttività e l’efficienza dell’impiego di risorse pubbliche.

Past Interreg Experiences (to be addressed to the technical committee) General framework Past Interreg Experiences (to be addressed to the technical committee) Analysis (to be addressed to the technical committee) Goal Indice

World Seaborne Trade (goods loaded) General framework - World Seaborne Trade (UNCTAD, 2003) - 2002 I Paesi sviluppati a economie di mercato cresciuti sotto la media mondiale del 1,5%, Paesi in via di sviluppo ad una media del 3,3% … W.S.T. pari a 5,88 Miliardi di tonnellate Global Trends in Trade (see for instance Review of Maritime Transport, UNCTAD) – F.D.I. Growing interdependencies among areas. Number of services, increasing volumes of freight and passengers, growth rates of freight flows are telling us of a growing need for mobility. Economists say mobility is a “normal good” (it increases with GDP). Though sometimes those patterns are interrupted due to variable factors, wars above all - experts agree that some causes of above cited phenomenon are: - From supply side of world economy, structural changes in industries worldwide (i.e. outsourcing - delocalizzazione), - From demand side of world economy, more and more areas joining in trade processes (e.g. China in WTO, CSI will be in the near future; in Europe 10 new countries joined last May the Union…) bringing in their demands, needs, productivity, etc. From the maritime and port industry point of view, on the one hand port and shipping operators are increasing their capacity (building or expanding terminals, asking to develop land and port facilities, acquiring new vessels and storage capacity), putting in place networking strategies (alliances, buy outs, etc.) to face demand expansion… On the other hand public institutions, like Italian port authorities, try to counter balance these demands with the interest of the public to preserve (protect), and to develop (in terms of GDP, employment, and a cluster of indicators) for example sponsoring a better usage of resources… the concept of sustainability has started to come along, concept similar to the quality of life… but paradoxes and contradictions are on the way (spiegare dopo) Year-> 2000/1999 2001/2000 2002/2001 2003/2002 World Output ca. +3% +1,3% +1,9% 1,9% - 3,2% World Seaborne Trade (goods loaded) +3,9% -1% +0,8% around 1%

General framework - Trade trends in the EU(*) - In year 2001: 70% extra EU trade uses sea 41% internal EU trade uses sea (Short Sea Shipping) vs. 44% Road Forecast in year 2010: (economic growth will bring more mobility) +38% goods +24% passengers … if nothing is done, heavy traffic will Increase by 50%! *Source: EU White Paper, not taking into account 10 new Member States that joined last May 2004.

General framework - EU White Paper proposals - Shift the balance between modes of transport Eliminate bottlenecks Place users at the heart of transport policy Manage the globalization of transport

General framework - Modal split -> Short Sea Shipping - Short Sea Shipping is part of EU TEN T networks since April 2004. Thus maritime services become infrastructures *Source: EU Commission, DG TREN.

General framework -Transportation Trends, Euro Mediterranean region- Infra- and extra- Med Trade Thanks also to the development of Far East countries, for container: Beginning 1990’s northern range ports had 76% market share vs. 24% of Med In year 2000 Med ports achieved a 36% market share vs. 64% of NR ? All other conditions standing still, with the entrance of China in WTO figures are expected to expand The number of feeder and Short Sea Shipping services are thus expected to grow e.g. Container Traffic: Beginning of 1990’s northern range ports had 76% market share In year 2000 Med ports achieved a 36% market share vs. 64% NR What if? Free Trade Zone within 2010 (declaration of Barcelona)

General framework - Ionian and Adriatic Seas - …Before the year 1989 there was a border between Western and Eastern Countries …Today the Adriatic is a corridor to/from the heart of the European Union

General framework - Ionian and Adriatic seas - Potential to increase is there, providing the ports are able to maximize their existing assets (facilities, and resources) whilst strengthening their connections to transport networks… …there’s also the need for improved intermodal services... … creating guidelines for fair competition amongst operators Inside the port (among port terminals) Among neighboring ports Among port systems (Northern Range vs. Med) (*) The geography, at least of West Adriatic coastline, consists in a wider land capacity (compared to Tyrrhenian side, compressed by Apennine chain of mountains), served by a constantly growing number of feeder (container) and SSS services. … Coming to the issue of Ionas, ports are mainly located in highly urbanized areas, thus their development has to deal with specificities of each community… Implemented logics: land intensive use, rationalization, machine, ICT + ports are trying to attract value adding activities (ex. Logistics and distribution) which affect local job market, etc.

General framework - Transportation networks, year 2020 - *Source: Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, 2004.

Goal - Given the general framework… Venice Port Venice Vienna Ancona Pescara Bari Brindisi Port Bari Port Brindisi Port Corfu Port Thessaloniki Port Dubrovnik Port Split Split Koper Thessaloniki Bar Port Gioia Tauro Durres Port Durres Cities on Water Eurosportello EIC Slovenia Port Bar …And given the fact that ports are a component of different supply chains (i.e. node of transport networks)

Goal …we begin with a review of past ICT projects… Networking around a data base project which will be reflecting the existing capacity available for freight and passengers in the area