Copyright Treasure Hunt By: Sunita Khoja
What is the penalty for copyright infringement? Infringer pays actual dollar amount of damages and profits $200 - $150,000 for each work infringed Infringer pays all attorney and court fees The court can issue an injunction to stop the infringing acts The court can impound the illegal work The infringer can go to jail Extracted from Purdue University website
What is “fair use?” An exception in copyright which allows use of copyrighted materials without obtaining permission as long as the use can be considered fair. The goal is to achieve a balance between the rights of the copyright holder with the rights of the public
Factors of “fair use” Purpose and Character Nature of work Nonprofit, educational, personal (strengthens) Nature of work Fact and/or published Amount of work being used Small amount, not significant to work Impact on the work due to use of the work No major impact; Licensing/permissions available; Limited/restricted access to work; User/institution owns legal copy
Using Multimedia in your Classroom? You’re safe if: Using only up to 10% of motion media or up to 3 mins Clips are not altered You MUST: Credit sources Notation of any alteration should be documented Not make more than 2 copies of original Display copyright notice and ownership on presentations
Using someone else’s words? Okay to use: Up to 10% of copyrighted work or 1000 words (whichever is less) Entire poem (>250 words) Up to 250 words if longer poem No more than 5 poems of different poets Only 3 poems per poet
Using a Musical Score? Conditions: Up to 10% of copyrighted musical composition, no more than 30 seconds Up to 10% of sound recording, no more than 30 seconds Any alterations CANNOT change the basic melody of the work
Using Film in the Classroom? Film must be shown as part of instructional program Must be shown by students, instructors, or guest lecturers and be shown only to students and educators Must be shown in classroom or school location devoted to instruction Must be shown face-to-face Film must be legitimate copy May NOT be used for entertainment or recreation
Taping something from the TV to show in the Classroom? General rule: TV programs can be legally taped and shown in a classroom Producers of many PBS programs permit educational institutions to record their programs and show them for longer than 10 days Contact educational or PBS coordinator for particular PBS programs
Creator responsibility on posting items to a website Register your trademark Register your domain name Mark your trademark/copyright on your website Control access and use of content in your website