Overview on RDP measures for maintenance and restoration of grasslands/wetlands in Lithuania By Žymantas Morkvėnas, Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview on RDP measures for maintenance and restoration of grasslands/wetlands in Lithuania By Žymantas Morkvėnas, Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania (zymantas.morkvenas@bef.lt)

Farm of 856 orchids

Average direct payment 196 eur/ha (including direct payment + greening + first hectares + young farmer support) (M12) Natura 2000 payment: 51 eur/ha for arable land 70 eur/ha for natural and semi-natural areas Payments for farmers in areas with natural or other specific handicaps: Payments to farmers in areas with natural handicaps 73,6 Eur/ha - 55,2 Eur/ha Payments to farmers in areas with specific handicaps 44 Eur/ha (in carst region) – 48,8 Eur/ha (in flooding areas)

RDP measures related to restoration and maintenance of natural/semi-natural grasslands/wetlands (Lithuania 2014-2020) Extensive management of grasslands by grazing animals (101 eur/ha); Management of Specific meadows (69 eur/ha); Extensive management of wetlands (208 eur/ha); Specific agri-env. measures for conservation of Aquatic Warbler Conservation of AW habitats in natural and semi-natural meadows (291 eur/ha); Conservation of AW habitats in wetlands (160 eur/ha) Support for non-productive investments for restoration of Aquatic Warbler habitats

Extensive management of grasslands by grazing animals Eligible in natural/semi-natural meadows; Grazing density 0,3-1 SLU/ha; Grazing period since May 1st till October 30th; Ungrazed patches should be managed by Oct. 30th; Payment level 101 eur/ha

Payment level 69 eur/ha Management of Specific meadows Eligible only in specifically defined areas: sites where EU grassland habitats were mapped; Grazing density not more than 1 SLU/ha; Grazing timing from May 1st till October 30th; Start of mowing by July 15th Shredding not allowed, biomass should be removed from the field by October 15th; 6450 Northern boreal alliuvial meadows Payment level 69 eur/ha

Extensive management of wetlands Grazing intensity not more than 1 SLU/ha; Grazing timing since May 1st till October 30th; Mowing timing since July 15; Removal of the biomass should be done by March 1st of the next year. Payment level 208 eur/ha

Agri-environmental measure dedicated to Aquatic warbler conservation Developed by conservation project “Securing sustainable farming to ensure conservation of globally threated bird species in agrarian landscape” Baltic Aquatic Warbler LIFE09 NAT/LT/000233 Support for non-productive investments for restoration of AW habitats; M10 Payments for agri-environmental and climate-related commitments Conservation of AW habitats in natural and semi-natural meadows; Conservation of AW habitats in wetlands

4.4.1. Conservation of Aquatic warbler breeding habitats M04, Sub-measure 4.4: support for non-productive investments linked to the achievement of agri-environment climate objectives 4.4.1. Conservation of Aquatic warbler breeding habitats Compensation of one-time investment into habitat restoration efforts of areas important for Aquatic warbler; Eligible actions: removal of bushes, reeds, redundant biomass (mowing); Process: 1) application with certified cost calculation; 3) 3 months evaluation period; 4) implementation to be done until spring next year (app. 6 months timing); Maximum eligible payment for 1 application: 80 000 eur, average (app. 1000 eur/ha); After restoration – applicants must follow up habitat maintenance by participating in agri-environmental measures dedicated for Aquatic warbler conservation;

Payment: 291 eur/ha (+ others possible: direct, Natura 2000, LFA) Measure 10.1.1.: Landscape stewardship scheme Activity: Conservation of Aquatic warbler habitats in natural and semi-natural meadows AW singing male counts performed first decade of June. Plots observed with singing males extracted for late mowing. Based on extracted plots, farmers have to follow specific requirements: For plots where AW singing males observed - mowing after August 15; For plots where AW singing males NOT observed – half of area mowing in July; For all area – mowing shall be completed by October 1st. Baled or stacked biomass may be left for winter, but should be removed from the field until March 1st next year; Extensive grazing (1 SLU/ha) allowed until October 15. Payment: 291 eur/ha (+ others possible: direct, Natura 2000, LFA)

Payment: 160 eur/ha (+ others possible: direct, Natura 2000, LFA) Measure 10.1.1.: Landscape stewardship scheme Activity: Conservation of Aquatic warbler habitats in wetlands Full mowing of the area shall be done within 2 years (50% each year); Start of mowing allowed from August 1st; Mowing shall be finished until October 1st, stacked or baled biomass can be removed from field by March 1st next year; Maximum grazing density allowed 1 SLU/ha; Payment: 160 eur/ha (+ others possible: direct, Natura 2000, LFA)

Other national funding opportunities: Environmental fund under Ministry of Environment