What Women Really Think About Member Size


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Presentation transcript:

What Women Really Think About Member Size

When a man endeavors for the best in male organ health, he turns to excellent manhood care. But when a man is worried about his member size, he might turn to much less healthy means in order to chase the exclusive extra inch or two. Unfortunately, there is no magic method or getting a bigger member size – a man is simply born with whatever he is born with. The good news is that this is usually more than adequate for the ladies; in fact, they place more stock in a healthy, handsome male organ than in the size of it!manhood care Still not sure that’s the case? Check out these facts about member size and what women really think.

How women view member size Though there is a wide range of member size, most men fall firmly in the four to six-inch range. That’s perfectly normal and average. However, there are many men out there who fall outside that range, whether larger or smaller. The good news is that women view men of all member sizes as a guy who has something to offer. Here are a few facts: 1) Women prefer a handful. Studies show that women tend to prefer a hefty handful of manhood when a man is tumescent. This means they look for a manhood that will easily fit into their hand when things are getting hot. Looking at the typical female’s hand, that corresponds with the typical member size of anything from four to six inches.

2) They prefer more width than length. Most women prefer a manhood that is wider rather than one that is longer – which makes the issue of manhood length a nearly-moot point. This is especially true for women who have had children, as the width of the manhood feels much better than the length does. In addition, it’s important to remember that the most intense nerve-endings in the female organ are in the first three inches or so, which makes a manhood of four inches more than adequate for the job. 3) They consider more than coupling. Sure, penetration is great, but when women think of member size, they look at other factors. For instance, how easy will it be to have oral coupling, or even back-door fun? In this case, a man with a very large manhood might actually be a turn-off. Many women have reported that a man who is of average size – or even a bit on the smaller side- is absolutely perfect for those other sensual acts.

4) They’re not really sure how many inches it is. But here’s a surprise: Most women, when asked how long a manhood is, don’t really know. They have trouble judging the length just by looking at it and in some cases, even when they are holding it! They also tend to see the manhood as being longer than it really is when it gets measured. This is a good thing for guys! 5) They want a handsome male organ. What matters more to a woman than member size? A handsome male organ. No matter the size of a man’s equipment, the more attractive and handsome it is, the more impressed she will be. That’s why it’s so important for a man to always pay close attention to manhood care and do everything he can to maintain a handsome male organ, no matter how much size he’s got.

One way to ensure a man keeps a handsome male organ is through the use of a daily manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E for softness, and well as vitamin A for odor control. A boost from L-arginine can help ensure the blood flows freely through the manhood when it counts, and L- carnitine can help improve manhood sensation, so both partners can have a much better time.manhood health crème