Case Review Goals To ensure compliance with requirements as noted in the Vendor Agreement and related appendices. To ensure that quality services to mutual consumers are planned, provided and documented.
Case Review Goals (con’t) To ensure communication and collaboration between DRS and its service partners. To ensure that appropriate services are provided by the service partners and DRS, if necessary during long term follow along. To ensure that the billing for follow along services accurately reflects the services rendered and documented by our service partners.
Case Review Protocol OESSP developed a protocol for the case review based on the requirements outlined in the Vendor Agreement and the appropriate appendices. The following is an overview of the protocol including the citations from the Vendor Agreement, appendices and other sources used to develop the protocol…
Eligibility… Documentation of client disability meets DRS criteria for severity. (Appendix E, 1 E,G) Individual Service Plan in file (Appendix E, 1 G) Documentation indicates DRS counselor approved LTESS application (Appendix E, 3B)
Eligibility Documentation of stability before case moves to DRS status 22 (SE Form 3, Appendix D, I C, 4) Ongoing Services Form (SE Form 4) completed as required before DRS case closure. (Appendix D, I 4) At least two contacts per month with clients for at least 90 days before DRS case closure. (SE Form 4)
Service Provision (con’t) At least one documented contact per month with client, employer or advocate while in long term follow along (Appendix D, I 5) Documentation indicates follow along services are sufficient for client to maintain employment
Service Provision Does documentation indicate Employment Specialist retrained client in any capacity? If so, was DRS post employment services used to fund retraining? Were LTESS funds used to support retraining? (Appendix D, I 5, DRS Policy and Procedures Manual Chapter 8.22, Policy 1)
Service Provision Follow along hours documented on LTESS requisition/invoice match hours provided and documented in ESO client file (Appendix E, I G)
SEPD Cases DRS authorizations are in case file Documentation supports the hours billed on a monthly basis (Appendix D I, C, Appendix D 3, A)
Case Closure LTESS closure form was completed if case closed while in long term follow along Documentation supports case closure (Appendix E, I, A.1, Appendix C, I, I)