EIONET interest group Land use and spatial planning


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Presentation transcript:

EIONET interest group Land use and spatial planning Andrus Meiner, EEA

EEA member and cooperating countries Member countries

Setting the scene Why we deal with new EIONET interest group Land use and Spatial planning? What is the context of existing EU policies and organisation structures? What are links to relevant data production and maintenance activities? What methodologies are available for land use analysis?

Background EEA Multi-annual work programme 2009-2013 emphasizes environmental and cross-cutting strategic areas so to improve integrated assessments formation of a new EEA cross-cutting work area Land use and spatial planning on land/territorial assessments In July 2009 the EEA Management Board envisaged the creation of a separate EIONET interest group LUSP NFP meeting 26 May 2010 adopted the profile of NRC LUSP new network is called to support the work area 2.6 Land in the EEA Strategy new IG LUSP complements existing EIONET IG Land cover

European policy context EU environmental policies (thematic and horizontal) Territorial cohesion / Territorial Action Plan 2020 Sectoral policies driving land use e.g. CAP 2nd pillar, mobility Climate Action (carbon sequestration, adaptation) GMES Land Service (and GMES In-situ component) INSPIRE directive implementation Relevant data structures: CORINE Land cover and High Resolution Layers (5) Land use data centre (SEIS thematic data hub) European Topic Centre for Spatial information and analysis FP7 research projects / EU and global partnerships

Socio-economic data Eurostat as contributor of regional statistics for socio-economic activities and population distribution LUCAS data base Designing territorial analysis domain Regional governance (macro-regions, river basins, eco-regions) Guiding typologies (urban/rural, agglomerations/UMZ) Other sources of geo-spatial socio-economic information (territorial indicators, ESPON)

Consolidation of data elements Existing land indicators, CORINE Land cover, geo-spatial reference layers, hydro-systems data base, territorial indicators, Urban Atlas database New data streams from GMES Land service including 5 high resolution datasets on imperviousness, forest, wetland, grassland and water land cover Access to shared data and case studies Benefit from cooperation with Member states and European Commission services e.g. DG Joint Research Centre


Nested approach: multi-scale analysis Governance level Typical data, spatial resolution Global, pan-European International agreements, global objectives GlobCover GlobCORINE (reclassified) EuroGlobalMap 300 m European market National/regional government Policy design and implementation guidelines, enforcement CORINE Land Cover EuroRegionalMap GMES High resolution LC 100 m Local Action and policy implementation, monitoring national sources surveying 0.1 - 10 m Land and ecosystem accounting at 3 different scales grids-based statistics

Mapping & analysing stocks and flows Dominant Landscape Types Data held on a standardised 1km x 1km Europe wide grid which enables construction of a different ‘zonal accounts’ including those for: Regions Biogeographical zones Mountain areas Coastal zones Major sea basins Dominant landscape types… e.g

How does spatial planning fit into EIONET IG LUSP agenda? Monitoring and evaluating performance of spatial planning Agreed spatial planning objectives and management outcomes will normally need: indicator baseline target data collection strategy data analysis reporting plan identified users Facilitating exchange of experience and good practice

Main objective of the workshop Main objective of the workshop is to inform the countries and allow for exchange of views on scope and role of a new forming network of National Reference Centers

Task and some considerations Mobilize new EIONET IG Land use and spatial planning and clarify its scope; cooperate with other existing EIONET networks Business as usual would mean low EIONET involvement in EEA work on land use analysis; good example of cooperation exist: SOER2010 Country assessments Land use Complement the existing EIONET IG Land cover with land use and planning elements to enforce integrated assessment across full DPSIR chain Land use /planning DPSIR Land cover DPSIR Analogy with Maritime – NFPs endorsed complement ‘Marine & coastal environment’ with ‘Maritime’

Task and some considerations Mobilize new EIONET IG Land use and spatial planning and clarify its scope; cooperate with other existing EIONET networks Business as usual would mean low EIONET involvement in EEA work on land use analysis; good example of cooperation exist: SOER2010 Country assessments Land use Complement the existing EIONET IG Land cover with land use and planning elements to enforce integrated assessment across full DPSIR chain Land use /planning DPSIR Land cover DPSIR Analogy with Maritime – NFPs endorsed complement ‘Marine & coastal environment’ with ‘Maritime’

Profile for a National Reference Centre of EIONET Name of NRC network Expertise – key topics Skills - five types of ‘skills’ (Technology, Monitoring/Data/Information, Assessment/Reporting/ Knowledge, Communication, Policy). Policy processes to be supported Input and contributions from the NRC-s in 2010 (2011-2013) – reviews and comments; participation on workshops; data delivery (tbd) Other relevant organisations and European networks – contact, cooperation, partnership

EIONET NRC profile for Land use and spatial planning

Profile expertise (1) Utilization of land monitoring data (e.g. GMES) in land use analysis Analytical platform for spatial analysis (methods and Europe-wide geospatial reference data) Targeted land use modelling Integration of socio-economic statistics and high resolution land information

Profile expertise (2) Spatial planning methods, incl. multi-scale approaches Consistency between terrestrial (including coastal zones) and maritime planning systems

Profile expertise (3) Data integration for land, ecosystem and water accounts and urban monitoring based on Europe-wide spatial reference systems (e.g. river catchments, European reference grid or urban morphological zones) Services to examine the processes of urbanisation and land use (incl. interactive analysis tools)

Possible cooperation activities Review of territorial planning tools across EIONET Contributing with experience, good practice, case studies Possible survey questionnaire Test cases: using HRL data in national context; combine European data with natinoal data – date model Existing country assessments – review & update SOER2010 Land use (country contributions) CORINE LC 2000-2006 trends (EEA analysis) State & Outlook of Environment Report - European thematic assessment Land use SOER2010 Land use – comments towards SOER2015 ETC SIA gap analysis of SOER2010 (2012-2013)

Thank you! Contact: Andrus.Meiner@eea.europa.eu http://www.eea.europa.eu

Questions for discussion III What are the policy processes most relevant to proposed EIONET IG LUSP? What is the data and information content for proposed EIONET IG LUSP? European level and natrional/planning level Land use indicators? Conceptual development of integrated land assessments Trade-off of land allocation Land accounting (support to ecosystem capital accounts) Other methodological issues