What language do dolphins speak ?
Performed by: Zinnyatullina Victoria Hoshbekyan Alla Project manager: Mukhitdinova N.M. Teacher of English
Dolphins, who are they?
Dolphins are related to a family of mammals, of the cetaceans order
between dolphins and us? What is the difference between dolphins and us?
Similarities and differences
Similarities Average height Common ancestor Warm-blooded Viviparous See the world in the same shades The same kinds of diseases (stroke, heart attack, diabete, neurological disorders) Creative approach to the process Gregarious lifestyle Communication between each other Amenable to learning Availability of names
Dolphins has two times more 90% echolocation and hearing aids Differences Dolphins Peoples Habitant water land Brain weight 1.7 kg 1.4 kg Gyros Dolphins has two times more Sleep Awake Asleep Information about the world 90% echolocation and hearing aids 70% vision Perception of sounds 3000 Hz – 20000 Hz 20 Hz – 20000 Hz Perception of high frequency sounds Yes No Life expectancy 20 – 30 years 45 – 55 years
Dolphin People Rat Monkey Chimpanzee
There are auditory and echolocation devices, that gives 90 % of information to dolphins
The amazing sounds
Even after the death of the dolphin skin remains intact
Intellectual abilities
Dolphins live in packs