What is a simple machine? A simple machine is a tool that makes work easier. Simple machines have few or no moving parts. ** All simple machines spread force over distance. So the further you push, you can use less force.**
PULLEYS Spread the force needed to lift an object over a rope and wheel and axle. Pulley-Brain Pop
A wheel that usually has a groove around the outside edge A wheel that usually has a groove around the outside edge. This groove is for a rope or belt to move around the pulley. Pulling down on the rope can lift an object attached to the rope. Work is made easier because pulling down on the rope is made easier due to gravity. Examples: Flag Pole, Crane, Mini-Blinds
Pulley are wheels and axles with a groove around the outside A pulley needs a rope, chain or belt around the groove to make it do work
Can a pulley be used to lift a load? Yes No (see next slide for answer)
Can a pulley be used to lift a load? Yes No A flagpole uses a pulley system to elevate the flag.
Advantages of Pulleys The direction in which force is applied to lift a heavy object is changed when a pulley is used. When lifting an object from the ground, the object is usually picked up, but when an object on the ground is lifted using a pulley, the rope is pulled down to raise the object up.
Pulleys that go in different directions * Notice where the load is in all of the illustrations
Uses a fulcrum and pole to distribute force to LEVERS Uses a fulcrum and pole to distribute force to lift objects. Levers-Brain Pop
Levers can be a straight rod or board that turns on a point known as a fulcrum. The fulcrum can be moved depending on the weight of the object to be lifted or the force you wish to exert. Pushing down on one end of a lever results in the upward motion of the opposite end of the fulcrum. Examples: Door on Hinges, Seesaw, and Pliers
First Class Lever This is the most common type of lever. With a class 1 lever the fulcrum is in the middle. The effort is on one side and the load is on the other.
If the load and effort are equal, and they are also both the same distance from the fulcrum, then the lever will be in balance. What is the name of the blue triangle above? Effort Load Fulcrum
If both load and effort are the same distance from the fulcrum, and if they are both of the same weight, the system will be in balance. Increasing the effort will move the load. If the load is increased, then the effort must be increased by an equivalent amount. Match each term with its corresponding arrow for the image on the left. Effort Fulcrum Load
If both load and effort are the same distance from the fulcrum, and if they are both of the same weight, the system will be in balance. Increasing the effort will move the load. If the load is increased, then the effort must be increased by an equivalent amount. Match each term with its corresponding arrow for the image on the left. Effort Fulcrum Load
Second Class Levers With a class 2 lever, the fulcrum is at one end, the effort is at the other end and the load is in the middle.
Wheel and Axle Uses a wheel to spread force. Wheel & Axle - Brain Pop
A wheel and axle has a larger wheel connected by a smaller cylinder (axle) and is fastened to the wheel so that they turn together. When the axle is turned, the wheel moves a greater distance than the axle, but less force is needed to move it.
Examples: Door Knob, Wagon, Toy Car The axle moves a shorter distance, but it takes greater force to move it. Examples: Door Knob, Wagon, Toy Car Wheel Axle
A set of gears is a type of wheel and axle A set of gears is a type of wheel and axle. Each gear in a series reverses the direction of rotation of the previous gear. The smaller gear will always turn faster than the larger gear. Look at the arrows in the picture. The arrows indicate which direction the wheels turn.
SCREWS Uses threads to hold objects together.
It is one of the most commonly used mechanical devices in the world. The screw has an appearance of a thin metal stick with a turning head on top and grooves along its length. The inclined planes present on the screw, are referred to as 'threads' or 'threading'. The Concept of a Screw
INCLINED PLANE Pulls objects so you don’t have to lift them. Longer planes use less force. Inclined Plane- Brain Pop
A sloping surface, such as a ramp A sloping surface, such as a ramp. An inclined plane can be used to adjust the effort and distance involved in doing work, such as lifting loads. The trade-off is that an object must be moved a longer distance than if it was lifted straight up, but less force is needed. Examples: Staircase, Ramp
Fun Fact About Inclined Planes The Egyptians used simple machines to build the pyramids. One method was to build a very long incline out of dirt that rose upward to the top of the pyramid very gently. The blocks of stone were placed on large logs (another type of simple machine - the wheel and axle) and pushed slowly up the long, gentle inclined plane to the top of the pyramid.
Look how these boxes have to be moved a longer distance just to make it up the series of ramps. If the boxes were lifted straight up, the distance would be shorter. If the boxes were lifted, the force needed to move the boxes would be longer.
WEDGE Used to split objects that are hard to pull apart. This simple machine is also used to prop open doors.
A wedge is two inclined planes joined back to back A wedge is two inclined planes joined back to back. Wedges can be used to lift heavy objects, separating them from the surface upon which they rest. They can also be used to separate objects, such as blocks of cut stone. The tips of forks and nails are also wedges, as they split and separate the material into which they are pushed or driven; the shafts may then hold fast due to friction. Examples: Axe, Zipper, Knife
A downward force produces forces perpendicular to its inclined surfaces.
Simple Machines Assessment Name : _________________ 1. The purpose of a simple machine to make work easier by allowing for a push or pull to occur over an increased distance. A: True B: False 2. What is a simple machine that uses grooved wheels and a rope to raise, lower, or move a load? A: lever B: inclined plane C: wheel and axel D: pulley 3. What simple machine uses a wheel with a rod or rods through its center that will help it lift or move a load? A: inclined plane B: wheel and axle C: screw D: all of the above 4. What simple machine uses a slanted surface that connects a lower level to a higher level? A: inclined plane B: screw C: wedge D: lever 5. Which of the following would you use a pulley for? A: hold pieces of plastic together B: help guide a sail on a sailboat C: cut food D: all of the above 6. What type of simple machine is a seesaw on a playground? A: inclined plane B: pulley C: wedge D: lever 7. What type of a simple machine would the bottom of a light bulb be? A: screw B: wedge C: lever D: pulley 8. A fork would be an example of what type of simple machine? A: pulley B: wedge C: lever D: screw 9. A compound machine is two or more simple machines that are working together to make work easier. A: True B: False 10. A roller skate is an example of a: A: wheel and axle B: wedge C: lever 11. A ramp is an example of a/an: A: pulley B: Screw C: inclined plane
Informal Assessment 1. The purpose of a simple machine to make work easier by allowing for a push or pull to occur over an increased distance. A: True B: False 2. What is a simple machine that uses grooved wheels and a rope to raise, lower, or move a load? A: lever B: inclined plane C: wheel and axle D: pulley 3. What simple machine uses a wheel with a rod or rods through its center that will help it lift or move a load? A: inclined plane B: wheel and axle C: screw D: all of the above 4. What simple machine uses a slanted surface that connects a lower level to a higher level? A: inclined plane B: screw C: wedge D: lever 5. Which of the following would you use a pulley for? A: hold pieces of plastic together B: help guide a sail on a sailboat C: cut food D: all of the above 6. What type of simple machine is a seesaw on a playground? A: inclined plane B: pulley C: wedge D: lever 7. What type of a simple machine would the bottom of a light bulb be? A: screw B: wedge C: lever D: pulley 8. A fork would be an example of what type of simple machine? A: pulley B: wedge C: lever D: screw 9. A compound machine is two or more simple machines that are working together to make work easier. A: True B: False 10. A roller skate is an example of a: A: wheel and axle B: wedge C: lever 11. A ramp is an example of a/an: A: pulley B: Screw C: inclined plane
Find the Simple Machines http://www.edheads.org/activities/simple-machines/ (Click on the robot head in the link to begin)