AmeriCorps Alums Overview What is AmeriCorps Alums? What do AmeriCorps Alums members do? On-line community Benefits & Services Question & Answer
AmeriCorps Alums is a national network of civic leaders who are actively engaged in shaping their communities. Bound together by a commitment to service, AmeriCorps Alums is a transformative power to help create a better world for all. Our mission is to connect, support and mobilize AmeriCorps Alums, to help strengthen communities and our nation.
AmeriCorps Alums Chapters 3:25 PM (3 minutes): Christy’s explanation of the national network of alums, including: Organizational values and history Involvement of alums across ALL service streams and programs (state/national, VISTA, NCCC, etc.) Membership open to “friends” of AmeriCorps, as well --- national service staff, sponsors, etc.
Network Connections AmeriCorps Alums is an initiative of Points of Light & Hands On Network. Points of Light & Hands On Network brings people together to improve communities through meaningful volunteer service. With more than 350 Points of Light & Hands On Network affiliates throughout the country, alumni in affiliate markets can be immediately connected to service and civic engagement opportunities within their local communities.
What do members do?
Four Action Areas Support to current AmeriCorps Programs Service to Communities Advocacy in Support of National Service Member Benefits & Services
Support to current AmeriCorps Programs Mentoring current corpsmembers Speaking at major service events Facilitating training workshops with AmeriCorps members Serving on state service commission committees Reviewing service program grants Volunteering at service projects Recruiting new AmeriCorps members
Service to Communities Facilitating with community-based organizations Coordinating large- and small-scale service events Serving on boards, committees and task forces Mobilizing volunteers Youth & Education Programs
Advocacy in Support of National Service Save NCCC campaign United States Public Service Academy Hill Day Voices for National Service
Member Benefits & Services AmeriCorps Alums provides a menu of valuable benefits for alums as they: Enter the job market Continue their education Build networks in their communities Serve as community leaders
Register NOW to stay connected! Online Community Register NOW to stay connected!
What do YOU think? What benefits would you like to receive as an AmeriCorps alum? What alum activities are you most interested in? How can we locate AmeriCorps alums from 10 years ago? What skills did you build in AmeriCorps, that you can share with your home community?
Just Imagine… National membership base of 300,000 active alumni members Network of alumni chapters in every state AmeriCorps Alumni serving as elected officials, nonprofit leaders, religious leadership, foundation program officers A national platform that can re-energize our country!
Q & A Reminder to register online, or via registration card. Participants receive handout listing DC Alums Chapter’s upcoming events, as they EXIT the room.