The Progressive Era Chapter Nine
Guided Notes Questions Copy these into your notes 1. Describe the difference between Progressivism and the progressive movement. 2. List the four goals of progressivism. 3. How does Prohibition fit into the progressive movement. 4. Which reform goal do you think is the most important? Justify your answer. Each question should be at least 3 sentences and use direct information from the lesson
Chapters in Brief Overview In the first two decades of the 1900s, Americans embrace the Progressive movement and many of its reforms.
Progressivism Objective Explain how the progressive movement increased government regulations of business and protected society from the injustices of big business
The Origins of Progressivism Chapter 9 – Section 1
PROGRESSIVISM Suffragettes Muckrackers Popul ists Temperance Labor Unions Civi l Rights 6
The Origins of Progressivism Overview of Progressivism Video
The Origins of Progressivism Reformers struggled to make government more responsive to the people they sought to restore economic opportunities to ALL Americans they wanted to correct injustices in American life these ideas fueled progressivism Progressivism is a local and national movement by reformers in America to make the government respond to the needs of the people.
The Origins of Progressivism the Progressive Era lasted from 1890 to 1920 at the dawn of the new century, middle class reformers addressed many of the problems that had contributed to the social upheavals of the 1890s by: exposing unsafe factory conditions questioning the dominant role of big business struggling to make government more responsive to the people together, these reform efforts formed the Progressive Movement progressive movement is the aim to restore economic opportunities and to correct injustices in American life Guided Question: Describe the difference between Progressivism and the Progressive Movement.
Four Goals of Progressivism 1. Protecting social welfare 2. Promoting moral improvement 3. Creating economic reform 4. Fostering efficiency Guided Question: List the four goals of Progressivism.
Protecting Social Welfare Reformers worked to soften harsh conditions and help the poor the YMCA opened libraries, sponsored classes, and built swimming pools, and handball courts the Salvation Army fed poor people (soup kitchens) many women were inspired by the settlement houses Florence Kelley - advocate for improving the lives of women and children - she was appointed chief inspector of factories for Illinois - helped to win passage of the Illinois Factory Act of 1893 Illinois Factory Act: prohibited child labor, limited women’s working hours, and became a model for other states
Promoting Moral Improvement other reformers felt morality was more important than the workplace; morality held the key to improving the lives of poor people many of these reformers favored prohibition Prohibition: the banning of alcoholic beverages prohibitionist groups feared that alcohol was undermining American morals the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement (WCTM) led the crusade of prohibition the prohibition movement caused tension with many of the immigrant groups over the closure of local saloons Guided Question: How does prohibition fit into the progressive movement?
Creating Economic Reform the panic of 1893 caused many people to question capitalist system Eugene V. Debs, a union leader, saw an uneven balance of wealth among big business, government, and ordinary people, and embraced socialism most people did not favor socialism, but did believe in Deb’s criticisms he criticized business for receiving favorable treatment from government Muckrakers wrote about corrupt business and public life
Fostering Efficiency many progressive leaders used scientific principles to make the workplace more efficient Henry Ford created an assembly line to speed up production people worked like machines. there was high turnover due to injuries Ford paid $5 a day for eight hours of work – great pay for the time Guided Question: Which goal do you think is the most important? Justify your answer.