AP Independent Reading Summary 1 Name___________ Period__________ Date___________ AP Independent Reading Summary 1 ___________________________________________________________________ The book that I selected for my Quarter 1 AP independent reading assignment was ______________ by ____________. So far, it is the story of a character named ____ ____________________ who wants to _______________________. For example, in the text so far he (or she) has ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. So far I agree (or disagree) with the character’s actions or motivations because ______ I predict by the end of the story he (or she) will ______________________ because
AP Independent Reading Summary 2 Name___________ Period__________ Date___________ AP Independent Reading Summary 2 ________________________________________________________ So far, in the book ____________________ by ____________, the main character _____________________ can be characterized as a ____________-type person. This can be seen through the following actions: _______________,___________________________, and _______________________________________.The setting (or environment) of this character also “characterizes” him (or her) in the following ways:____________________________________________. Therefore, _________________ can be characterized indirectly as ______________.
Pre-Advanced Placement English 10: World Literature Instructor: Dr. Van Slooten
LESSON: Sentence Variety Standard: (10.7) Students will edit their writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Example: Sentence variety Simple sentence (She went to the store for eggs and milk.) Compound sentence (She went to the store, and he went fishing.) Complex sentence (While he went fishing, she went to the store.) Compound-Complex sentence (She went to the store while he went fishing, but they both eventually went to the movies.) Assignment: complete grammar homework designed to increase your ability to write more complex sentences and add variety to your writing.
Warm Up: Work Completion FINISH: Group Essay (place in folder for peer-review) WORK ON: Vocab 3: Word Parts 1-5 – Write them down from the SIDE BOARD (due Mon by 2:30 pm) PICTURES: Period 1 = 8:40 // Period 2 = 9:45
ACTIVITY: PEER REVIEW GUIDING QUESTION (Standard 10.5f): Can you logically reach this conclusion based on the evidence presented in THIS essay? Exchange essay between groups. Write (IN RED) REVIEWED BY: _____________ and your names. Read the conclusion first. Highlight the thesis statement (this is the conclusion reached). (*) Asterisk the summary of each supporting point. Read the rest of the essay. Highlight the thesis statement in the intro. Highlight the topic sentence(s) in the body paragraph(s). (*) Asterisk key examples / supporting points Write your group’s overall comment at the end of the paper: Is the conclusion reached by this group / paper reasonable or not based on the presented evidence? Why / why not?
LESSON: Personal Narrative Essay Writing Standard: (10.6a) Students will generate, gather, plan, and organize ideas for writing to address a specific audience and purpose. Example: Writing about a personal experience during a historical event. Night is Elie Wiesel’s personal story about his experiences during the holocaust. Specific audience: People who did not directly experience the holocaust. Purpose: To persuade an audience that the holocaust did occur and that the perpetrators should be punished. Assignment: Write your own personal narrative about your family’s experiences during 9/11 or another historical event. Your purpose is to persuade future students that 9/11 did occur and was a significant event in American and world history.
ACTIVITY: Holocaust Video Notes Name___________ Period__________ Date___________ ACTIVITY: Holocaust Video Notes ___________________________________________________________________ PART 1: (5) Facts About the Holocaust 1. The first fact about the holocaust from the video was it________________. 2. The second fact about the holocaust from the video was it ______________. 3. The third fact about the holocaust from the video was it ________________. 4. The fourth fact about the holocaust from the video was it _______________. 5. The fifth fact about the holocaust from the video was it ________________. PART 2: (5) Connections / Predictions about Night One possible connection to Night could be ____________________________. Another possible connection to Night could be _________________________. Another possible connection to Night could be __________________________.
Name___________ Period__________ Date___________ Night Personal Narrative Notes ___________________________________________________________________ Directions: Read Night and take notes about events that occur in the narrative. Event Author’s purpose for including this event in the narrative ___________________________________________________________________
Pre-Advanced Placement English 10: World Literature Instructor: Dr. Van Slooten
Comparative Analysis DEFINITION / PURPOSE: Throughout your academic career, you'll be asked to write papers in which you compare and contrast two things: two texts, two theories, two historical figures, two scientific processes, and so on. The purpose of this type of analysis is to share universal insights that can be gained by comparing two things that seem dissimilar. ASSESSMENT: Group Essay Read “Gilgamesh: The Flood” , “Genesis: The Flood”, and “Killer Flood” ; Discuss / take notes on the similarities and differences (Vocab: Archetypes); Write a group essay proposing why these similarities exist between these different cultural works. Discuss the archetype of a “Biblical Flood”. What is it? Why is it repeated in each of these works? What is the lesson about fate vs. free will?
LESSON: Draw Conclusions & Make Inferences Standard: (10.5f) Students will draw conclusions and make inferences, then support them using info from the text. Example: The “Biblical Flood” archetype and author’s purpose Claim: The purpose of a “Biblical flood” archetypal story is to argue that people survive disasters not due to chance or fate, but because of divine intervention. Evidence (embedded quote): The survivors of the “Biblical floods” in Gilgamesh, Genesis, and the “Killer Flood” news story all showed “ Somebody was looking out for [them], that’s for sure” (Neill and Meyers 117). Conclusion: Therefore, the purpose of these flood stories is to convince people that people survive epic disasters because of divine intervention. Assignment: Read the Biblical flood articles then write a group essay reporting your conclusion about the purpose for this archetype.
Comparative Analysis Notes: Finding Generalizations Between Name___________ Period__________ Date___________ Comparative Analysis Notes: Finding Generalizations Between “Gilgamesh: The Flood”, “Genesis: The Flood”, and “Killer Flood” ___________________________________________________________________ Directions: Read the stories, write your observations onto the chart below, then circle similarities and generalizations that can be made across the stories. Use this data to organize and write your essay. “Gilgamesh” “Genesis” “Killer Flood”
Key Points: (Pull out at least one quote per article / reading) Name(note taker)___________ Period__________ Date___________ Group Essay: Note Sheet ___________________________________________________________________ Thesis statement: The purpose of using the “Biblical flood” archetype is to teach the universal lesson of __________________________________________________. Key Points: (Pull out at least one quote per article / reading) Common points about survival: Common points about gratitude: Common points about __________: Universal / Overall lesson to be learned from using this archetype: 1) Survival is not random. 2) Always show gratitude. 3) Humans need to find reason in disasters and survival.
___________________________________________________________________ Name(s)___________ Period__________ Date___________ Group Essay: Reaching Conclusions About “Biblical Flood” Archetypal Stories ___________________________________________________________________ Prompt Gilgamesh and Genesis are “stories” from two different cultures that both contain a “Biblical flood” archetype. What could be the purpose of using this archetype? What universal lessons could it teach each society? Are those lessons still being taught today even in nonfiction news stories? Write your response in a well-structured essay. Structure Guide Introduction Paragraph Hook (question, quote, startling statement, definition – NOT a general statement). Background / Context (explain the hook and connect it to your answer to the prompt) Thesis statement (state your answer to the prompt & preview main points of paper) Body Paragraph Topic Sentence (state main point from thesis statement as an assertion) Examples / Evidence (give evidence from text as quotes embedded in your own explanation) Commentary (connect the evidence to the overall message of your paper) Conclusion Paragraph Restate thesis (begin with “Therefore, …”) Remind reader of context for answer / lesson Closing hook (answer opening question / idea)
LESSON: Sentence Variety Standard: (10.7) Students will edit their writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Example: Sentence variety Simple sentences (one subject / one verb) Compound sentences (two independent subjects) Complex sentences (one or more subjects dependent on an independent subject) Assignment: complete grammar homework designed to increase your ability to write more complex sentences and add variety to your writing.
LESSON: Structural Analysis Standard: (10.3a) Students will use structural analysis of prefixes, roots, and suffixes to understand complex words Example: Autobiography Auto = self Bio = life Graphy = writing Assignment: complete vocabulary homework designed to increase your knowledge of common word parts to build your vocabulary and reduce your reliance on a dictionary.