Female Reproductive System
The purpose of the female reproductive system
12. Urethra – passageway for urine from bladder to outside of body 9 12. Urethra – passageway for urine from bladder to outside of body 9. Bladder – stores urine 10. Anus- the opening at the end of the rectum through which solid waste matter leaves the body.
1. Ovary: female sex glands; secrete hormones likes estrogen; produce mature ova (eggs)
2. Fallopian Tube: tubes on each side of the uterus that are near the ovaries and connect to the uterus
3. Uterus: hollow muscular organ to receives and holds the fertilized ovum during pregnancy 3a. Cervix: small opening from the uterus to the vagina Endometrium: the inner lining of the uterus; builds up with nutrients (blood and fluids) in preparation for a fertilized ovum
4. Vagina: an elastic, muscle lined tube; passageway for baby (birth canal) and menstrual fluids 5. Clitoris: small, sensitive organ located on the vulva, just above the urethra and the vaginal opening.
6. Labia Majora: fatty outer folds on either side of the vaginal and urethral opening; normal skin 7. Labia Minora: 2 smaller folds between the labia majora; tissue consists of oil glands and blood vessels
8. Mons Pubis: rounded mound of fatty tissue located on the front of the female pelvis, directly over the pubic bone
Vulva – External female reproductive organs Includes: Mons pubis, Labia Majora, Labia Minora, Vaginal Opening, and Clitoris
Ovary 5. Clitoris 9. Bladder Fallopian Tube 6. Labia Majora 10. Anus Uterus 7. Labia Minora 11. Perineum 3a. Cervix 8. Mons Pubis 12. Urethra
Ovary 3. Uterus Fallopian Tube 3a. Cervix
Menstrual Cycle
Ovulation – maturing and release of an ovum/egg
Menstrual Cycle Menstruation – the process of shedding the uterine lining. Prepares uterus for conception 28 day average If conception doesn’t occur, the body will menstruate and start over
Concerns About the Female Reproductive System Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) – occurs 1-2 weeks before menstruation. Includes a variety of symptoms including: Bloating Backaches Sore Breasts Depression Irritability Mood Swings Fatigue
Concerns About the Female Reproductive System Dysmenorrhea – severe menstrual cramps Amenorrhea – lack of menstruation by the age of 16 or the stopping of menstruation in a female who previously menstruated Can be caused by illness or disease Can also be caused by low body fat, poor caloric intake, or rigorous exercise.
Concerns About the Female Reproductive System Infertility Blocking of both fallopian tubes Hormonal problems preventing ovulation Endometriosis – condition where the uterine lining grows outside the uterus (causes scarring) STDs – untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS) A hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.
Female Cancers Breast cancer No prevention, but EARLY DETECTION IS THE KEY!!! Symptoms include: Change in breast or nipple appearance Lump or swelling in the breast Lump in the armpit
Mammogram Done yearly once you are 40 years old Can be done sooner if there is a family history of breast cancer It’s an x-ray of the breast
Breast Self Exam Done monthly Look for anything odd Lumps Puckering of skin Change in nipple Discharge from nipple Change in breast size Be sure to check the armpit as well!
Female Cancers Cervical Cancer Ovarian Cancer Can be detected by a Pap Smear (most effective test for diagnosing cancer) Linked to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) which is an STD Risk Factors – 20-30 y/o, having sexual intercourse at a young age, not having regular Pap smears, and having multiple sexual partners. Ovarian Cancer Symptoms are similar to other diseases so it is hard to diagnose Causes abnormal bleeding, unusual fatigue, unexplained weight gain or loss Only 25% survival rate because early detection is difficult
Care of the Female Reproductive System Shower daily using soap and water Wipe from front to back BSE monthly Pap smear yearly Mammogram yearly if over 40 years old
Things Not to Worry About: Period not being regular for the first couple of years Not having a period for up to a year after your first period Breasts being different sizes or shapes from each other—this affects MOST women Painful ovulation Typical PMS symptoms Things Not to Ignore: Warts, rashes, sores Hernia Unusual discharge Amenorrhea (menstrual cycle stops) Cloudy urine, painful urination Any changes in your breasts Finding a lump or growth in your breasts Unusually heavy period
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