FIVE S’s SCORING Date_________ Cumulative Improvements SIMPLIFY STRAIGHTEN SCRUB STABILIZE SUSTAIN Employees are A dependable, Area employees Everyone is continually There is a general appearance LEVEL continually seeking documented method has have devised a seeking the elimination of of a confident understanding improvement been developed to dependable, waste with changes of, and adherence to, the 5S 5 opportunities. provide continual documented method documented and principles. A culture of cleanliness and orderly maintenance of the workplace Is expected by everyone Focus on evaluation, and a of preventive cleaning information shared. process is in place to and maintenance. Prevention implement improvements. A dependable, A dependable, 5S agreements are Standard work is consistently followed on all shifts The workforce is actively engaged in driving continuous improvement In 5S scores LEVEL documented documented method has understood and method has been been established to practiced continually. 4 established to keep recognize in a visual Focus on the work area free sweep if items are out of of unnecessary place or exceed quantity Consistency items. limits. Unnecessary items Designated locations are Work/break areas Visual control and standard work is in place and proven out Weekly 5S reviews are conducted reliably by the plant manager and others. Feedback Is being acted on LEVEL have been marked to make and machinery are removed from the organization more cleaned on a daily 3 workplace. visible. basis. Visual controls Make it visual have been established and marked. Cumulative Improvements Necessary and A designated location Work/breaks areas Methods are being A recognizable effort has been LEVEL unnecessary items has been established for are cleaned on a improved but changes made to improve the condition are separated. items. regular scheduled haven‘t been documented. of the workplace. 2 basis. Key Items to Focus on check have been identified. Basics Needed and not Items are randomly Work place areas are Work place methods are Work place checks are LEVEL needed items are located throughout the dirty, disorganized not consistently followed randomly performed and there mixed throughout work place. and key items not and are undocumented. is no visual measurement of 5S 1 the work place. marked or identified. performance. Just Beginning Event was carried out but improvements have since deteriorated Event was carried out but improvements have since deteriorated Event was carried out but improvements have since deteriorated Event was carried out but improvements have since deteriorated Event was carried out but improvements have since deteriorated LEVEL Back Sliding Total __________ + __________+ ___________+ ____________+______________ = ________