Leadership Positions & Committees in the Legislative Branch St. 8f
Leadership Positions: Majority and Minority Parties Majority Party This is the political party in the House of Representatives and the Senate that has the most representatives. The two major political parties in 2017 are the Republicans and Democrats. There are a very small number of representatives who are “independents”, meaning they have decided to not join either party. Minorities This is the political party in the House of Representatives and the Senate that has the least representatives.
Leadership Positions: House of Representatives Speaker of the House Presiding officer of the House of Representatives. Elected by the majority party in the House of Representatives. Duties of the Speaker of the House Schedules bills for action Refers bills to proper house Appoints some committee members
Leadership Positions: The Senate Majority Leader The presiding officer of the Senate. Elected by the majority party in the Senate. Duties of the Majority Leader of the Senate Steering the majority parties bills through the Senate Plan’s the Senate’s work schedule & agenda Ensures Senators attend important sessions and organizes their support for bills.
Committees of the Legislature: 4 Kinds Congress has 4 basic kinds of committees Standing Committees Select Committees Joint Committees Conference Committees
Committees: Standing Committees Permanent committees that are in the House of Representatives and the Senate. These committees continue from one Congress to the next. The Majority Party selects a chairperson for each committee. House Rules Committee A standing committee in the House of Representatives. This committee directs the flow of major legislation. It serves as a “traffic officer” in the House of Representatives. It can move bills quickly, hold them back, or stop them completely.
Committees: Conference Committee A temporary committee set up when the House and Senate have passed different versions of the same bill. Members of the committee come from both the House and the Senate, usually from the standing committee that handled the bill in question. The job of the conference committee is to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill.