Key diagrams, animations and quizzes Chapter 9 Muscles Key diagrams, animations and quizzes
The sarcomere Contractile unit of a muscle Contraction initiated when Ca+2 ions are released from sarcoplasmic reticulum by action potential in muscle sarcolemma Ca+2 binds to troponin causing tropomysin to expose the binding sites of actin Myosin heads bind with actin Actin slides over surface of myosin when myosin heads flex. ATP required Distance between z-lines of sarcomere is reduced
Sarcomere contraction McGraw Hill with mini quiz Breakdown of ATP and Cross-Bridge Movement During Muscle Contraction with mini Quiz Myofilament Contraction with mini Quiz Action Potentials and Muscle Contraction with mini Quiz
Muscle Contraction ( Flash animation) Function of the Neuromuscular Junction (Quiz 1) Animation: The Nerve Impulse: action potential and Quiz
+40 Na+/K+ pumps restore Resting potential