Elements of an Effective Resume Cover Letter
WHAT IS A RESUME? Your resume is a SUMMARY of your experience, education, accomplishments, recognitions, skills, and interests. A resume is a PROFESSIONAL document and not a personal one; therefore it should NOT included personal information (weight, height, marital status, number of children, religious or political affiliations, sexual orientation, etc.) Your resume is ACCOMPLISHMENT-ORIENTED. It does not include future plans for advanced degrees, future professional affiliations, or future job experience. Your resume does not get you the job, but it is your VERY IMPORTANT FOOT IN THE DOOR!
IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Full Name JODI M. COMFORT 5 South Clinton Avenue Hamilton, NJ 08610 (609) 123-4567 (cell) Jodi.Comfort@gmail.com Make sure the message on your answering machine is PROFESSINAL !! Best Phone Professional Email
EDUCATION Hamilton High School – East, Hamilton, NJ June 2013 GPA 3.0 Mercer County Community College, West Windsor, NJ Associates Degree, May 2015 Major: Graphic Arts, GPA 2.8 East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg PA Bachelor of Science, May 2018 Major: Education GPA 3.5
Skills Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet, and E-Mail Languages: Fluent in Spanish; basic knowledge of Spanish
Community Activities Habitat for Humanity, volunteer Race for the Cure, American Breast Cancer Association, volunteer event cordinator Wildlife Preserve, volunteer D.A.R.E, volunteer fundraiser Save the Children, volunteer fundraiser
Final Thoughts… Your resume should be: Summary of your experience Professional – not personal Neat, readable, accurate, visually appealing ERROR-FREE!! FOCUSED ON THE POSITION SOUGHT Resume paper (white, off white, ivory) No more than two pages
Jodi Comfort 5 South Clinton Avenue Hamilton, NJ 08610 (609) 123-4567 January 25, 20013 Name Title Company Address City, State, Zip Code I am interested in applying for a teaching position, on the elementary level, in your school district. As a 200X graduate of XXX College, I have student teaching experience on the third and sixth grade level, in both suburban and urban school districts. Sincerely, Signature Jodi Comfort Jodi Comfort
YOUR COVER LETTER Your Identification Information (copied from your resume) Date of the Letter Inside Address (person to who the letter is addressed) Body of the Letter (typically 3-4 paragraphs) Closing line Your Name (typed) and a signature Enclosure(s) line
COVER LETTER TIPS Do not simply summarize your resume. Should never be more than one page. Should be an expression of you as a professional. Highlight your experiences, skills, abilities, as they relate to the position sought. Must be error free, neat, attractive! Use standard Business English Format
Body of the Letter 1st paragraph – Indicate the position for which you are applying-how you found out about it – and suggest that our background leads itself to this position 2nd Paragraph – Convince the reader that you are the best person for the job by summarizing your relevant experience, skills, and credentials. DO NOT SIMPLY REPEAT WHAT IS IN YOUR RESUME 3rd Paragraph – Repeat you interest in the position. Indicate that you are available for an interview and indicate how you can best be reached. 4th Paragraph – Thank the reader for his/her time and consideration.