Table 1. Laboratory Data on Admission Liver function tests Results Reference AST 869 0-41U/L ALT 850 0-42 U/L Total bilirubin 110 0-21 μmol/L Direct bilirubin 54 0-8 μmol/L GGT 28 8-35 mg/dL ALP 40 40-150 IU Total protein 81 63-84 g/L Albumin 38 35-50 g/L INR 3.08 0.85-1.25 s APTT 24.2 22.1 -28.1 sec IgG 28.6 7-16 g/l IgA 2.1 0.7-4.5g/l IgM 1.4 0.6-2.5 Viral markers IgM anti-HAV negative HBsAg Anti-HBs Anti-HCV EBV IgM, IgG Cytomegaloviris IgM, IgG Thyroid function test TSH 0.027 0.49-4.67 uIU/mL fT4 2.47 0.71-1.85 ng/dL fT3 7.24 1.45-3.48 pg/mL Anti-TPO 39.3 0.00-115.0 IU/ml Anti-TG 32.09 Autoantibodies ANA AMA Anti LKM positive 1:160 Anti-smooth muscle antibody Vanya Gerova et al. Simultaneously Diagnosed Autoimmune Hepatitis Type II, Grave’s Disease and Congenital Factor VII Deficiency. American Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 9, 269-271. doi:10.12691/ajmcr-3-9-1 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.