Racial health equity in brazil’s affirmative action era Kia Lilly Caldwell, Ph.D. African, African American, and Diaspora Studies University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Presentation for the Lemann Dialogue, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign November 16, 2017
Health equity in Brazil, University of Illinois Press, 2017
Brazil’s “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ERA” From 2005-2008 – 57 public higher education institutions adopted affirmative action policies 2010 Statute of Racial Equality Provisions for affirmative action were removed from it 2012 Federal Law 12.711 – Lei de Ingresso nas Universidades Federais e nas Instituições Federais de Ensino Médio Técnico (Law of Quotas for Higher Education) Mandated that 50% of students admitted to federal universities come from public schools; required federal universities to admit preto (black), pardo (brown), and indígena (indigenous) students in proportion to numbers in each state or fed. unit.
Health equity “the concept underlying a commitment to reducing health inequalities – that is, systemic, plausibly avoidable differences in health, varying according to levels of social advantage, with worse health occurring among the disadvantaged.” - Paula Braveman (2010) Emphasizes justice and redistributive justice
POST-DuRBan Policy Shifts III World Conference against Racism, Xenophobia and Related Forms of Intolerance, Durban, South Africa, August 28 - September 8, 2001 President Fernando Henrique Cardoso admitted to existence of racism in 2001 report to U.N. Committee for the Elimination of Racism Affirmative action programs in federal govt. created in 2001 under Cardoso President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) Federal law 10.639 (2003) mandated teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian history Creation of SEPPIR in March 2003 (Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality Policies)
Key developments related to the health of the black population (2001-2010) Creation of Program to Combat Institutional Racism (PCRI) 2003 SEPPIR Signs Term of Commitment with Brazilian Ministry of Health 2004 Formation of Technical Committee on Health of the Black Population in Brazilian Ministry of Health First National Seminar on the Health of the Black Population, organized by Brazilian Ministry of Health Inclusion of Health of Black Population in National Health Plan, Plano Nacional de Saúde: um pacto pela saûde no Brasil, which also called for race/color to be included in all health records. Creation of Brasil Afroatitude Program focusing on Black Population and AIDS, National STD/AIDS Program, Ministry of Health 2006 Launch of National Policy for Integral Attention to People with Sickle Cell Anemia and Other Blood Diseases
2006 Black Movement Gains Representation on National Health Council for First Time (2007-2009) Minister of Health Recognizes Existence of Institutional Racism in Unified Health System (SUS) National Health Council Unanimously Approves Creation of National Policy for Integral Health of the Black Population (PNSIPN) 2007 13th National Health Conference Reinforces Importance of PNSIPN for Ensuring Equity in the SUS 2008 National Health Council Creates Intersectoral Commission on Health of Black Population 2009 Approval of PNSIPN by Tripartite Intersectoral Commission which oversees health policy at municipal, state, and federal levels PNSIPN Becomes Official with Publication of Portaria 992 in the Diário Oficial da União 2010 National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries Publicly Affirms Commitment to Health Equity and Disseminates PNSIPN at XXVI National Congress PNSIPN included in text of Statute of Racial Equality (Law 12.288) signed into law by President Lula
2010 statute of racial equality