[Insert School Name]. To bring your assembly to life and remind pupils of all the fun you had doing Red Nose Day, put in some pictures from your very own fundraising events and efforts. We’ve included one of our snaps to start you off, but you can easily remove it and put in your pictures instead. We won’t be offended, promise! Photo credit: Alex Walker
Who were the best fundraisers in school and what were the highlights Who were the best fundraisers in school and what were the highlights? We’ve added some photos of top celebrity supporters (Sara Cox, Jo Brand, Mel and Sue) which can be easily replaced with photos of your school’s very own fundraising heroes. Photo credits: Trevor Leighton, Perou, David Venni
[Insert Amount] Add in your school’s fabulous final fundraising total. You can print off this slide and display it for all to see. If you paid in your fundraising money using one of the schools’ paying in methods (www.rednoseday.com/schoolspayin), an official Red Nose Day certificate will be posted to you between June and October, depending on when you paid in. (Sorry for the delay – it can take a little while for our volunteers to process all the money you wonderful schools have raised).
£1 could pay for a test and treatment that saves the life of a child with malaria in Africa. In the UK, £5 could pay for a young homeless person to be given a warm hat, gloves and scarf for the winter. Use the examples above to demonstrate how the money you raised could help to change lives. You can scale up the examples to match the total amount your school raised e.g.: £280 could provide four children who have lost their parents to Ebola with everything that they need to go to school for a year. Photo credit: Lucille Flood £70 could provide a child who lives in extreme poverty and has lost their parents to Ebola with everything that they need to go to school for a year.
For years Keeley felt that her concerns were not being taken seriously by doctors. Efforts to get her son in front of specialists were long and difficult, and are still ongoing. At times Keeley, now a mum to four children under ten, has felt isolated and struggled with panic attacks. She desperately needed some support so when she heard about drop-in sessions at 4Us2, a project which receives Red Nose Day funding, the unquestioning friendships from other mums in similar positions became a lifeline to her. She can bring Oliver to the regular sessions and chatting to other mums helps her realise she is not alone. She has now taken on a role at the charity as a disabled children’s play leader at the Sittingbourne group. “I started coming to a support group at 4Us2 when Oliver was more than two. Every parent here understands the behaviors as well.” “This place (4Us2) is everything to me, these sessions mean everything to me. When you are having a bad week you feel like you fit in and that you are not the only one.” Photo credit: Georgette Thomas
What you and your school did for Red Nose Day was amazing What you and your school did for Red Nose Day was amazing. Watch this exclusive video to let everyone know how amazing we think you are. You should be able to stream the film from this presentation by clicking on the play button. Please ensure that external content is enabled. If you experience any problems with this you can download the film (or stream it) at rednoseday.com/thankyouschools Sport Relief is an initiative of Comic Relief, registered charity 326568 (England & Wales) and SC039730 (Scotland).