Sensory experience – Touch WATER VULNERABILITY We need water to live. Sensory experience – Touch Explore water: have it poured on your hands, or plunge your hands into it.
We drink water; plants and animals also drink water. WATER VULNERABILITY We drink water; plants and animals also drink water. Sensory experience – Taste Drink water, or water a plant.
Credit:Tom Greenwood/Oxfam GB
We use water to keep clean. WATER VULNERABILITY We use water to keep clean. Sensory experience – Smell Smell soap bubbles on water (washing up liquid or bubble bath).
Credit: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam
Lots of people do not have clean water to drink or to wash with. WATER VULNERABILITY Lots of people do not have clean water to drink or to wash with. Sensory experience – Sound Hear a sad melody.
Credit: Fatoumate Diabate/Oxfam
Sensory experience – Sight WATER VULNERABILITY People who do not have clean water to drink, or to wash with, can get sick and die. Sensory experience – Sight Be covered by a black cloth, blocking out the light and representing death.
Credit: Jane Beesley/Oxfam
Sensory experience – Smell WATER VULNERABILITY Having no water to farm plants or animals to eat can mean that people get so hungry that they die. Sensory experience – Smell Smell plants or food.
Credit: Jane Beesley/Oxfam
Sensory experience – Sound WATER VULNERABILITY If there is not enough rain, people do not get enough water. Fighting can make it difficult to get water. Sensory experience – Sound Use a ‘rainmaker’ to create the sound of rain, or bang on a table to create sounds of conflict.
Credit: Oxfam
Some people are trying to help people who have water problems. WATER VULNERABILITY Some people are trying to help people who have water problems. You can help too! Sensory experience – Touch Shake hands to indicate friendship and collaboration.