Turkey's famous drinks.
TEA Turkish Tea is drank by the gallon in Turkey, no matter where you go you will be guaranteed to be offered a glass of Turkish Tea. I have never been in a household or restaurant where I didn’t get offered Turkish Tea.
TEA Drinking tea is a kind of habit for Turkish people.We can drink tea in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening…We generally drink it in the breakfast and after meals.We also serve it our guests.
Turkey is one of the leading tea producer in the world Turkey is one of the leading tea producer in the world.In Black Sea Region there are many tea trees.People produce and sell it to other countries. Turkish Tea is classed as Black Tea.
Turkish Tea is grown in the Black Sea region of Rize this is due to the wet and humid conditions of the area. Turkey is the 6th Largest producer of Tea in the World.
HOW TO MAKE TURKISH TEA You need; Teapot Black tea Water sugar
Directions: Make sure that the teapot you are going to brew tea in is clean. If there is a layer of limescale in the lower part of the teapot, then you should clean it first. Using drinking water instead of tap water is another significant point of making Turkish tea. Fill the lower part of teapot about 2/3 full with drinking water and let it boil after placing it on the cooker, and put 10 dessert-spoonful Turkish black tea leaves to the upper part of teapot. Here is a great tip: Add one dessert-spoonful sugar into the upper part of teapot but do not stir. It will soften the taste of tea. Pour some boiled water into the upper part of teapot and add some more water to the lower part and let it boil. Make sure that the teapot is over a medium heat. If you think that the tea is ready when the water boils, then you are wrong. You should place the teapot over a low heat to let the tea brew.
How do we understand if the tea brewed? After 5 or 6 minutes, check the upper part of the teapot if the tea leaves sink to the bottom. If they don’t, it means the tea is not ready yet. If they do, it means the tea is ready to be served. Make sure that the teapot is over the cooker and a low heat.
What comes to our mind when we talk about Turkish tea is the typical tulip-shaped glass. Pour tea from the upper part of teapot to fill the glass about 1/3 full (or more if you’d like to drink dark tea). Then, add boiled water from the lower part of teapot. Now, the Turkish tea is ready! You can add some sugar into it, if you want. You can also serve Turkish tea with cookies and fruits.
Turkish coffee has a special place in our culture Turkish coffee has a special place in our culture .It is prepared in a special pot and served in those small coffee cups .We love it very much.We always serve it to our guests.It is generally served with traditional Turkısh sweet(lokum).
Preparing Turkish coffee (no matter where you live): Add water to the cezve (ibrik), about 50 milliliters (1.7 oz) per cup of coffee desired Add sugar to taste, stirring to blend it Bring to a boil, remove from heat and add a teaspoon of coffee per cup Boil coffee. Remove the cevze from heat immediately after bringing to a first boil, discarding the accumulated foam, and mix well. The coffee is boiled twice in succession, taking care to remove the cezve from the heat between one boiling and the next. The foam can either be discarded or kept before stirring it well Allow remaining powder to settle before serving. You can add a tablespoon of cold water to the pot after boiling twice to accelerate the process.
DRINKING 1. Turkish coffee is always served with a glass of water. You drink water first to cleanse your pallet! 2. Wait about half a minute or so to let the grinds settle to the bottom of your cup. 3. Find a comfortable spot in which to savor your delicious coffee and remember, drink this Turkish treat..sip by sip.
This is AYRAN. It is a kind of dairy product. It is made from yogurt This is AYRAN.It is a kind of dairy product.It is made from yogurt.We add some water and salt to yogurt and shake it.We generally drink it with meals.We also drink it in hot weathers because it is cold and it makes us feel fresh.
Ayran is a super refreshing Turkish yogurt drink. It is served cold and there is no restaurant here where you can’t find ayran. It used to be the most loved drink to go with any food before coke came into our country .
This is turnip juice. We generally drink it with meals This is turnip juice.We generally drink it with meals.It has two types.One is with sugar and other is with spicy and bitter.
Kefir and boza are also common in Turkısh cuisine Kefir and boza are also common in Turkısh cuisine.They are a kind of dairy product.
This is SALEP. It is something sweet and hot This is SALEP.It is something sweet and hot.We generally drink it in cold weathers because it makes us feel strong.It is generally served with cinnemon on it.