Bullying and Mental Health (visual arts)
The Scream by Edvard Munch This is the famous painting The scream which was Created by Edvard Munch in 1893. This painting is delivering a message because this Painting is about mental health. In this painting you can See a person with his arms against his face and looks to be Screaming . This painting reflected the artist mental health after the loss in his family. This painting shows how mental health specially anxiety would get in the way of his work. This draw reflected and influenced by anxiety. This an effective painting which shows a real life issues such as mental health is used in an iconic painting. This painting is professionally produced as it was made by a professional painter. As he has made previous painting for this . The scream painting is found in 1893. This is painting it is very famous as it is found today in the national museum which is a crowded environment. This painting has been helpful in my ideas. This due to how effected it is to my campaign. In which how the story line and the art are well presented. Although this an old painting it does show how as an emotion how Mental Health can be. But the meaning of this painting does spread awareness about Mental Health (Anxiety).
Social Anxiety by Shawn Cross I do think that this artwork (sketch) does deliver a message. Because this art work is about having Anxiety (social anxiety).This artwork shows how anxiety can feel like to certain people. This artwork shows that anxiety most of the time could feel like you can be attacked. This is just based on the arms reaching towards that person shown in this art . I believe this artwork (sketch) it heavily produced because this artwork has been done by a professional artist. Who has worked for comic web and animated short films. The reason why I believe this is that the artist Shawn Cross has his own website which shows all his sketch work. He also has his own profile deviant art, a website which show cases many artists work. Another reason for this being professionally produced is that there are many article about how amazing his art work is. His artwork is standing out the environment because his artwork is shown in Comic con. His artwork does is helpful in helping me with my campaign. This because in my campaign about anxiety I only spoke about just having anxiety. This artwork helped mw knowing there's all types of anxiety. In which would give me more knowledge about my campaign about mental Health. This are is very effective due to the meaning of the artwork. Also this artwork does spread awareness about Mental Health specifically (Anxiety).
Frustration by Robert Brostowski This an art work by Robert Brostowski which is about bullying and how it can be frustrated. This artwork does deliver a clear message. Due to the details of the painting. For example how the colours of the paint just drops down , which shows sadness into this painting and the colour of the background as well . This painting is heavily produced because this artwork was made by a professional artist. This artist art is hanged up in art galleries. Not only he does paintings he works well in colour pastels. His art work is defiantly in a crowded environment since it seen in art galleries. This artwork does help with ideas the fact that it shows that Bullying can not only make someone feel down but it can also frustrates you as well or it can just frustrate you. The concept of the art does help with new ideas and plans with my campaign in what I can add in. Because it helps me with redeveloping new ideas I could also use in the campaign as well. Its also effective because the meaning of the artwork spreads awareness of bullying.