Rockschool level 3 – Equivalent to 1 ½ A levels


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Rockschool level 3 – Equivalent to 1 ½ A levels Unit 304 & Unit 316 – Musical Styles

As a Performing Arts Student at the Academy we will expect you to help set up and attend all Performing Arts Events (Music, Dance and Drama) There is a list of some of the events on the Performing Arts Website – We expect you to hand in all homework on time. All your homework and resources will be on the website under Level 3 for you to access if you have misplaced your work or if you were absent from the lesson. If you don’t already have musical instrument lessons outside of school then it is vital that you have lessons here. A letter will be available soon that you need to complete for these lessons. Expectations

Units You require 90 credits for a Level 3 in Music: 1 External Core Unit (30 Credits) 1 Internal Core Unit (15 Credits) The remaining credits are gained through optional Units, two of these worth a total of 20 credits: Unit 304: Composing Music Styles (15 Credits) Unit 316: Understanding Musical Styles This term we will study various musical styles and learn how to compose them through performance

Unit 304 To achieve a Distinction in Unit 304, learners should: 1. Evidence skills to compose music representative of a specified musical style, demonstrating a deep understanding of the requirements and expectations of the musical style. Each composition should clearly display the characteristics of that style. There will be evidence of a high degree of independent thought and creativity in each composition. The compositions will be a very convincing representation of the style selected. 2. Evidence skills to represent each composition through the presentation of a fully notated score. Errors or omissions will be minimal and will not detract from the success of the overall work 3. Evidence high level skills in evaluating strengths and areas for development, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of their progress in target setting relative to ongoing improvement and personal development.

Unit 316 To achieve a Distinction in Unit 316, learners should: 1. Produce and accurate, detailed and insightful visual description, via a clearly structured, stimulating and innovative annotated poster, of the evolution of two distinct musical styles. 2. Discuss with clarity, insight and detail the chronological development of one sub-style of each chosen musical style, including seminal recordings, performance and/or events with clear, strong reference to a wide variety of relevant influential factors, which have impacted upon its name, development, popularity and influence on other artists and styles. 3. Assess clearly and analytically the musical and stylistic differences between the two chosen sub-styles. 4. Analyse exhaustively both sub-styles in a wider historical and social context, including clear, detailed, structured and insightful discussion on two specific areas of interest, identified as being particularly relevant to the chosen sub- styles.