Referrals from relatives and friends Your relatives and friends can link you to people from their work places, churches, old schools etc. You can rely on them to connect you to these people. Its very easy to sell because the trust has been built already.
Referrals from those with whom you have not effected business People who do not immediately want to do business with you are not necessarily unimpressed by your service. If you have done all your steps in your sales process correctly, they will still be providing you with names – more so because they usually feel guilty for not supporting you.
Referrals from existing clients Although satisfied clients are very important source of names, some advisors are afraid of asking their clients for names. For the advisor who renders quality service, this fear is groundless. If you knew a good lawyer or doctor, would you not recommend him to a friend? The advisor who renders trusted service would therefore find out his existing clients are quite happy to supply him with names. It is much easier to market to an existing policyholder than to anyone else.
Referrals from your network It is quite natural for the beginner to think of his family and friends first and to close his first assurance business with them too. Just keep in mind that these people form part of your social network. Although they are a valuable source of business, they are more important to introduce you to potential clients or even an important source. They can become scouts to assist you to look for potential clients.
Own Memory As a newcomer in the industry, you can probably think of a large number of people that you know. By listing relatives, friends and former colleagues, you could probably write down a hundred names. Use your relatives and friends to get started and to obtain an introduction to important sources or data pools.
The News Media An event that results in someone’s circumstances and needs changing is a very good lead in prospecting. Do keep a close eye on newspapers.
Your success as an salesman depends largely on your consistent ability to find good quality names. The best way to go about this is to establish yourself in a source that matches your target market.