Purposeful Planned Implementation Plan your Success
Purposeful Planned Implementation = A defined step by step action plan with each step having a defined purpose Every strategy should be approached with this in mind Create a Plan, that every step has a Purpose, and them Implement your plan
This incorporates 2 things we have gone over individually 1 This incorporates 2 things we have gone over individually 1. Building your Marketing Machine – (we go over planning the strategy) 2. Time Blocking – (schedule your day to accomplish more)
Star by breaking down what has to happen for your strategy to be successful Meet New Referral Partners – Get a list of prospects Send a video to prospects every week (make a video every week) Call and ask to meet them (what will I meet with them about) Connect on social media and engage Send Greetings Cards to those you met Follow Up Calls to those you met ASK FOR THE BUSINESS!
Build Your Machine (your plan) Each piece of your machine must have a specific purpose Partner Prospect List No Friend Request FB “Follow Up” Call ask to meet Send Thank you Card Send weekly Video Yes Call and Ask for Business Face To Face
Go through your Plan top to bottom Are missing anything that would better facilitate your plan Are there things in your plan that do not have a specific purpose You want your Machine/Plan to be as efficient as possible Why? Because now you must Implement your plan
Make a schedule of exactly when you will execute the steps of your Plan – Time Block Make a Calendar and plan for each step to be done on the same day at the same time every week Blocking the time to execute the steps of your plan each week will help these steps to become habit It then is just what you do in your business
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Agent Research 9 - 10 Email Video Call F2F’s Ask for Business 9 - 10 Fb Engage 10 – 10:30 Face To Face 11 – 4 Open House Prospecting 11 - 2 Call 20 Prospect Agents 2 – 4 Write cards to F2F’s 4 – 5 Record Video 4 - 6
Some strategies may have not only every week activity, but activity that takes place once a month Presentations – You only need to worry about content once a month But you still must plan for that – make it the same day every month that you get your next months presentation material Put it on your calendar for that day every month
For your Google Calendar -
It is not enough to “know the strategy” You must be willing to Plan for it’s success
That is the purpose of our Accountability Roll Call To have specific action steps that are purposeful for you to implement The accountability is just to help you move past the fear of doing