Klein Oak HOSA November Meeting
Upcoming Events (November) November 7th & 10th- Cards for Thanksgiving for Vets (YOU CAN GET HOURS) November 9th- HOSA Induction 6:30pm Auditorium Parents are welcome!!! Cake and drinks will be served Business casual dress November 17th- Rockets Night for Upperclassmen that signed up November 30th- Online Testing Pick up excusal pass Monday before (Nov. 28)
Upcoming Events (December) December 1st- White Elephant Christmas Party!!! Minimum $7 – Maximum $15 Funny gifts, board games, gift sets, Walmart, Bath & Body Works December 10th- Jingle Bell Run Show up at 6:00am See Mrs. Lee run
MRC- Pull together for Ronald McDonald HOSA MRC Partnership are collecting taps. Helps us by donating them to any of the following locations, Heath Sciences Rooms, Freshman Office, Attendance Office, and the Main Office. We will stop collecting a week before finals in December. All the donations will go to the Ronald McDonald House Charity in Houston, which supports the improvement of health of children who are ill.
Due Before December 16th IN 301-A Volunteer Sheets Due Before December 16th IN 301-A