Just when you thought you knew how to do T32 Tables NEW T32 DATA TABLES Just when you thought you knew how to do T32 Tables
Good News & Bad News Good news: Bad news: You don’t have to list as much individual trainee information & there are only 8 Tables Bad news: This won’t be any easier than it was before. Some Tables have multiple parts, so it’s really ~10 tables
You’ve Got to be Joking Introduction to the new tables: “Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information” Whoever wrote this has never done the tables or worked in a university!
Table 1 Divided into Part I-Predocs and Part II-Postdocs You must do both regardless of your trainee type Participating Faculty = Your Mentors Depts & Centers Total Faculty # of Your Mentors Total Predocs Total Pres on any trning grant Total Pres with Mentors # TGE Pres with Mentors # TGE Pres supported by this T32 (renewals) R90 renewals Units w/ your mentors & predocs Office of Research Your mentor list OoR/OGE / Dept OoR/Dept New Table 2 Ask mentors Your records NA TOTALS SUM Depts & Centers Total Faculty # of Your Mentors Total Postdocs Total Posts on any trning grant Total Posts with Mentors # TGE Posts with Mentors # TGE Posts supported by this T32 R90 renewals Units w/ your mentors & predocs Office of Research Your mentor list OoR/OGE / Dept OoR/Dept New Table 2 Ask mentors Your records NA TOTALS SUM
Table 1 Information The SOM Office of Research (OoR) collects ‘Total’ numbers for faculty, predocs and postdocs in SOM depts. Usually the OoR also has # of predocs on training grants, this is harder to get for postdocs #s of predocs & postdocs with your mentors—you will need to collect from mentors. Faculty usually know if their trainees are citizens/green card holder [TGE] or not. You need these #s for Table 2 also.
Table 2 Same info as before + Trainee information (replacing old Table 5) Include Pre- & Postdoc info for all mentors regardless of what type trainee is in your program Have to get from the mentors Related Careers: teaching, administering research or higher ed. programs, science policy & tech transfer Information on biosketch + questions to the mentors, ask for the numbers Name Degree Rank Primary Dept Research Interest Training Role # Predocs in Training # Predocs graduated (last 10 yrs) Predocs in Res. or Related Careers Postdocs in Training Postdocs completed training Postdocs in Res. or Related Career
Table 3 Table 3 is the same—use the mastersheet on OoR website https://www.med.unc.edu/oor/research/grant-prep-assistance Open the UNC T32 Table spreadsheet, do a search on your mentor names All of the information is on the spreadsheet Grant title Award number Project period PD/PI # of Predocs # of Postdocs # of Short-term # of Mentors Names Overlapping Totals
Table 4 Table 4 is mostly the same info in different order Major changes: for active grants-only include if the mentor is the PI of the grant or PI of a project in P01 type grant; no longer include pending grants Annual Direct costs for P01 type grants—include the mentor’s annual DC, not the total, annual DC Mentor’s Other Support is probably the best source At the end find the average grant support/PI Faculty member Funding source Grant number Role on project Grant title Project period Current YR DC Average grant support per participating Faculty Member (do it for the total faculty, not each faculty) Enter ave. grant support
Table 5 Info that was on the old Table 6—Trainee Publications 5A-Predocs/5B-Postdocs—just do your trainee type New apps—pubs for all current mentor TGE pre or postdocs & representative TGE former trainees from past 10 yrs; ask Mentor’s for names & training period Renewals—all pubs with mentor of current & previous trainees appointed to the T32 for the last 10 yrs For former trainees, don’t include pubs resulting from research initiated after they left mentor’s lab [pubs can take 18-24 months to come out] Faculty Member Trainee Name (First & Last) Past or Current Trainee (past 1st, Current 2nd) Trainee Period Publication (Authors, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Inclusive Pages Your mentor list OGE? Student Services Mngr? Faculty member? PubMed [Instructions do not mention PMCID]
Table 6—Part I & Part II Applicants & their Characteristics 6A – Predocs/6B – Postdocs, both have Parts I & II Part I: Counts—basically the old Table 7 For the last 5 years Parts I & II, Recent-Oldest Predoc—do not include students only seeking MS # of Total Applicants—those who formally applied New Entrants—the # entering the unit that year New Entrants appointed to T32—only applicable for renewals Totals for each year – Part I; Mean (Ave) each yr - II
Table 6 – Part I Counts Table 6A Part I – Predoc Trainees Table 6B Part I – Postdoc Trainees Most Recently Completed Year: 2014-15 Total Applicant Pool # # of Applicants TGE # New Entrants to the Program (Unit) # New Entrants TGE New Entrants appointed to this T32 Dept/Curriculum Name - those you draw your trainees from OGE/BBSP Dept Your data Dept/Curriculum Name – needs to be a degree granting unit Total Add above columns Add above Columns Previous Year: 2013-14 (and so on for 5 years) Total Applicant Pool # # of Applicants TGE # New Entrants to the Program (Unit) # New Entrants TGE New Entrants appointed to this T32 Total All Years (Mean Count across Years) Total Applicant Pool # # of Applicants TGE # New Entrants to the Program (Unit) # New Entrants TGE New Entrants appointed to this T32 Most Recently completed Year: 2014-15 Total Applicant Pool # # of Applicants TGE # New Entrants to the Program (Unit) # New Entrants TGE New Entrants appointed to this T32 PhDs Your program application info OR Same MDs Units from which you take Postdocs Dual Degree Holders Other Degree Holders Total
Table 6A—Part II Characteristics Table 6A – Predocs Do the same table for previous 4 years: 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12 and 2010-11 Most Recent Prog. Yr: 2014-15 Total Applicant Pool Applicants TGE New Entrants to Prog. New Entrants TGE New Entrants on this T32 (renewals only) Mean months of Prior Full-time research (range) Mean # mos., convert part-time to full-time Mean (range) 8.0 (3-24) Whoever has the application?? Prior Institutions List Institutions (# of apps from that inst) Again-get info from office w/ app. info List in all 3 columns-repeating inst. Percent with Disability Can collect this data at this point, do we? Could collect at this point Can’t require trainees to report this % from URMs Again, this may be on the application From application The units should at least have this Mean GPA (range) Include this row only for this column Again on the application Unit will need a copy of the application Means across all Years Total applicant pool Applicants TGE New Entrants to Prog. New Entrants TGE New Entrants to this T32 Mean Months of Prior Full-time research Now find the mean for each column From the 5 yrs listed above At least this isn’t additional info % with disability % of URMs Mean GPA (range) Include this row only for this column
Table 6B – Part II Characteristics Table 6B – Postdocs Have to decide who your applicant pool is Do previous 4 years: 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11 Most Recent Prog. Yr: 2014-15 Total Applicant Pool Applicants TGE New Entrants to Prog. New Entrants TGE New Entrants on this T32 (renewals only) Mean # of pubs (range) This is why determining your Need the CV or biosketches Collect a CV or biosketch Mean # 1st author pubs (range) Applicant pool is so important So trying to do all the postdocs in your Prior Institutions No info Mentor labs is not going to work % with a disability Can collect this data at this point, do we? % URM When does a postdoc answer this? Means across all the years Total Applicant Pool Applicants TGE New Entrants to Prog. New Entrants TGE New Entrants on this T32 (renewals only) Mean # of pubs (range) Determined from tables above Mean # 1st author pubs (range) Prior Institutions No info % with a disability % URM
Table 7 – Appointments to T32 Looking at each complete budget year since the last competing grant application Exclude any section (e.g. postdoc) that doesn’t apply Training Positions Budget Year 01 Budget Year 02 Budget Year 03 Budget Year 04 Sum of Budget Years Predocs Awarded Predocs Appointed - Predoc Dual Degree - Predoc Diverse Background Postdoc Appointed - Postdoc MD/Equivalent - Postdoc PhD/Equivalent - Postdoc DDS, DVM, other - Postdoc dual degree - Postdoc diverse background 3 rows Short Term
Table 8 – Program Outcomes For new and renewal applications 8A – Predocs 8B – Short-term 8C - Postdocs Part I – All those appointed to the training grant during the last 15 years—only renewals Activity: Research-Intensive, Related, Further Training Part II – Those clearly associated with the training program [not on T32], same info as in Part I, items 1-8 for each trainee Part III – Recent graduates (Only new apps & renewals/revisions expanding to new trainee type) Part IV – Program Statistics (8A only, renewals only)
Table 8 – Predoc T32s Table 8A – Part I: Those appointed to T32 Table 8A – Part II: Those associated with Program Table 8A – Part III: Recent Grads (last 5 yrs) Table 8A – Part IV: Program Statistics Trainee Mentor Start Date Summary of all Support Terminal Deg. /Year Research Topic Initial Position Department Inst , Activity Current Position Inst. , Activity Subsequent Grant(s) Role/Yr Award Name Into degree prog. Each 12 mo. Period Primary support TY1: SOM TY2: GM T32 TY3: HL F30, etc. PhD 2010 Could be In Training, won’t have last 3 columns PhD title After leaving Postdoc Fellow Physiology Emory Univ. Research Intens. Google? Asst. Prof. UC-San Diego Research Intens. HL R01-Postdoc/2010 HL R21-Co-I/2015 In touch w/ former trainees? Trainee Mentor Start Date Summary of all Support Terminal Deg. /Year Research Topic Initial Position Department Inst Activity Current Position Inst. Activity Subsequent Grant(s) Role/Yr Award Trainee Mentor Start Date Summary of all Support Terminal Deg. /Year Research Topic Initial Position Department Inst Activity Current Position Inst. Activity Subsequent Grant(s) Role/Yr Award Postdocs TGE only Don’t include this info % of Trainees Entering Grad School 10 Yrs Ago Who Completed PhD Average Time to PhD for trainees in the Last 10 Yrs (not including leaves of absence) 50.2% 6.5 years
Table 8B – Short-Term If applicable, list sequentially, by yr of appointment, all students supported by the grant for short-term research training experiences in the last 15 yrs. Trainee Category of Trainee Faculty mentor Start Date Topic of Research project Subsequent Training Award/Role/Year Name Medical student Name(s) As trainee on T32 During training NS R21/student/2014
Table 8C - Postdocs Part I – Those Appointed to the T32 Part II – Those Clearly Associate with T32 program, but never supported by T32—same table as Part I Part III – Recent Graduates (only for new apps and predoc renewals/ revisions that are expanding to postdoc slots)—same as Part I, except don’t include data for ‘Summary Support During Training’; only use TGE postdocs Trainee Doc. Deg(s) & Years Mentor Start Date Summ of Support Deg from Postdoc Research topic Initial Pos. Dept Inst/Activity Curr. Pos. Dept. Subseq. Grant(s)/ Role/ Yr Name PhD 2008 Into postdoc MM/YYYY Same as 8A If none state that; if still here ‘In training’ Research at UNC After leaving
Website for the new tables and instructions http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/424/datatables.htm Remind PIs that it takes 3-4 months to get this material together. They have to summarize it in the program section, so they have to give you time to put the tables together before the due date!!