Stage make-up
Why? Skin Protection under the lights Facial features under the lights Character Development Age Special Effects
Six Basic Steps: 1- Foundation/ Base- Skin Color
Six Basic Steps: 2- Shadows/ Highlights- To: Bring out features Correct features Change features to indicate age, character, or physical impairment.
Six Basic Steps: 3- Rouge/ Lipstick- To add a healthy look to character.
Six Basic Steps: 4- Eyes and Eyebrows- Most expressive features of the face.
Six Basic Steps: 5- Powdering- Locks everything in place.
Six Basic Steps: 6- Finishing Touches- reapply anything that the powder may have dulled too much.
Make-up charts:
Make-up charts:
Make-up charts:
Old Age Make-up:
Old Age Make-up:
Old Age Make-up:
Special Effects
Special Effects
Special Effects
Special Effects
Special Effects
Special Effects
Special Effects