IEEE 802.11ah Use Case – Outdoor Wi-Fi for cellular traffic offloading Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 IEEE 802.11ah Use Case – Outdoor Wi-Fi for cellular traffic offloading Date: 22th February, 2011 Authors: Name Company Address Phone email Suhwook Kim LG Electronics LG R&D Complex 533, Hogye-1dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-shi, Kyungki-do, Korea +82-31-450- 1936 Yongho Seok +82-31-450- 1947 Bonghoe Kim +82-31-450- 4131 John Doe, Some Company
Outline We propose outdoor Wi-Fi for cellular traffic offloading as IEEE 802.11ah use case
About IEEE 802.11ah This amendment defines an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Physical layer (PHY) operating in the license-exempt bands below 1 GHz, e.g., 868-868.6 MHz (Europe), 950 MHz -958 MHz (Japan), 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, 470-510 MHz, and 779-787 MHz (China), 917 – 923.5 MHz (Korea) and 902-928 MHz (USA), and enhancements to the IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) to support this PHY, and provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the bands including IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE P802.15.4g. The data rates defined in this amendment optimize the rate vs. range performance of the specific channelization in a given band. This amendment also adds support for: transmission range up to 1 km data rates > 100 kbit/s while maintaining the 802.11 WLAN user experience for fixed, outdoor, point to multi point applications.
Motivation Mobile traffic explosion is significant problem of vendors and operators
Motivation Traffic offloading by 802.11 WLAN is considered as good solution of mobile traffic explosion However, current 802.11(a, g, n, ac) WLAN have short coverage and assume indoor environment TGah has large coverage (~1km), so it can be used for mobile traffic offloading in outdoor environment
Use Case : Outdoor Wi-Fi for cellular traffic offloading
Outdoor Wi-Fi : Requirements # Category Comment 1 Location Outdoor 2 Environment type Urban, sub-urban 3 STA/AP communication Send/receive (Web browsing, multimedia) 4 Data rate Up to 20 Mbps 5 BER/PER requirement PER<10% 6 Mobility Pedestrian 7 Traffic type Burst 8 Security requirement High 9 Reliability 10 STA/AP capacity STA: 50 , AP: 1 11 STA/AP category STA: nomadic, AP: fixed 12 STA/AP elevation STA: 1-2m, AP: 5-10m 13 Actors Cellular device, portable smart device
References [1] IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs, IEEE 802.11ah Call for proposals, IEEE 802.11-10/1373r0, 11.11.2010 [2] IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs, Sub 1 GHz license-exempt Use Cases, IEEE 802.11-10/1044r0 [3] IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs, Proposed IEEE 802.11ah Use Cases, IEEE 802.11-11/0017r2
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Offloading effect estimation LTE-Adv. (FDD 10 + 10, base coverage urban) DL(4x2): 21 ~ 27 Mbps UL(2x4): 15 ~ 18 Mbps 802.11ac (20MHz bandwidth) 1 spatial stream:6.5 ~ 86.7 Mbps 8 spatial stream:52 ~ 693 Mbps 802.11ah (5MHz bandwidth) 1 spatial stream: ~ 18 Mbps (64QAM, R=5/6, reduced GI)
LTE-Adv. Simulation result Downlink (b/s/Hz/cell) System performance LTE-Adv. IMT-Adv. Requirement LTE-Adv. Simulation result (from TR 36.814) Test environment Downlink (b/s/Hz/cell) Uplink (b/s/Hz/cell) Indoor 3 2.25 5.4 ~ 5.7 3.8 ~ 4.4 Microcellular 2.6 1.80 2.5 ~ 3.2 1.9 ~ 2.5 Base coverage urban 2.2 1.4 2.1 ~ 2.7 1.5 ~ 1.8 High speed 1.1 0.7 2.9 ~ 3.5
System performance 802.11ac
Channelization ≥20MHz bandwidth <10MHz bandwidth USA (902~928 MHz) China (470-510 MHz) <10MHz bandwidth Europe (868~868.6 MHz) China (314~316, 430~434, 779~787 MHz) Japan (950~958 MHz) Korea (917 ~ 923.5 MHz)