Potential U.S. Market $32.8B Total $ 4.9B 70M Accounts Water $ 5.4B Gas $22.5B 150M Accounts Electric
AMR Well Established in the United States 40 Million electric, gas, and water meters served 15% of the electric market served Itron with Schlumberger meter unit CellNet DCSI Hunt Technologies Elster Meter & proprietary AMR
Barriers to Entry of Electrical Utility AMR Market Strong competitive beachhead established Itron, CellNet, Hunt Technologies, DCSI Utilities typically require proven installed base of > 100K units Current business driven by cost. Every penny counts! ANSI testing and certification costs in excess of $70,000 Meter Companies have existing AMR partners
The Solution Results From the Problem California is capacity bound for the next 5 years California must reduce peak demand by 5 % by 2008 to support current population growth Total available market is $7 Billion USD
USCL Pushes California Government California Energy Commission SSP Wrap-up California Public Utilities Commission July Administrative Law Ruling AMI must be considered California’s Utilities submitted proposals to CPUC ending 15 October 2004 Four Month period of CPUC and CEC study Vendor & Public interaction Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger & Staff are committed to Dynamic Pricing Missing component (Key Success Factor) is In-home customer information display
USCL’s EMS-2020 allows implementation of AMI consistent with Dynamic Pricing Tariffs EMS-2020 becomes the customer information display defined in SPP Provides usage, cost and current rate information Connects the customer and utility Utilities Services Customer Link
It started in Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission issued mandate to replace all old-fashion meters TOU rates and AMR now required USCL helped shape and finalize IPUC Legal Order California will now lead the way ---Senator Tom Torlakson
California Public Utilities Commission Funds USCL EMS-2020 Project Find SCE and County of LA logos and include on slide The CPUC has funded a project with SCE and LACO for 350 USCL EMS-2020 units Highly visible Governor CPUC CEC President of SCE President of PG&E President of Sempra Energy (San Diego Gas & Electric)
Energy Management Technology Water Meter Manufacturing USCL & ARAD The Power of Synergy EnergyCite a division of USCL Corp. Cutting Edge Energy Management Technology 60 Years of Water Meter Manufacturing Pioneers in Wireless Technology Integrating Electric, Water, and Gas 1 + and the result … 1 = 11
Run that by me again… the Governor and vice Prime Minister personally announced USCL and Arad Tech’s cooperation? 1 May, Tel Aviv, Israel Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Vice Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Tom Tamarkin, Danny Winter, Alan Edelstein, and Emily Tamarkin
USCL and Arad Technologies “Agree to Agree.”
Several USCL Board of Directors, advisors and Arad Technologies Management after “Agreeing to Agree.”
Southern California Edison and Los Angeles County Project Schedule 10 Power meters with USCL IUM and radio board to SCE meter shop 26 September 2 EMS-2020 units to SCE meter shop 26 September Southern California Edison meter shop to spend 75 to 90 days testing SCE should approve the kWh meter with USCL IUM and radio and EMS-2020 by 28 December USCL to ship 350 meters and IUM radio units 1 February 2005 Deployment to begin 15 February 2005 System includes: 350 Power meters with USCL IUM radio modules 350 EMS-2020 units 5 (or more if needed) data concentrators and modems
USCL Action Plan USCL will implement V9 EMS-2020 Color LCD Touch Screen RAM based Smart Card USCL will implement external USCL IUM and radio module with photo optical meter interface USCL Will implement USCL radio or Arad radio, schedule permitting USCL will implement USCL data concentrators or Arad Fixed Readers, schedule permitting
Opportunities & Possibilities Cross licensing of technology Opportunity for parties to produce product Opportunity to penetrate California Market Opportunity to become approved by California’s Utilities which will lead the nation and become de-facto approval standard Strategic plan to leap frog the competition & overcome the “me to” stigma
Pricing and monitoring, all in real-time! EMS-2020 & AMR Topology USCL Integrated Solutions Broadband/Cable Land-line Telephone Power LIne Carrier RF Repeater Network CellularTechnology Hybrid of above Utility Customer iSUM kWh Meter Network/ Internet Network EMS-2020 Host Computer Monitor RF USB/ to Pre-Processing Home Computer ARAD Technologies, Ltd. RF Wireless Gas Meter RF to Set-top Television Box Water Meter Home Network Gateway ARAD Technologies, Ltd. Pricing and monitoring, all in real-time!
Summary In the United States AMR is becoming obsolete AMR is being replaced with AMI and RTM USCL and Arad Technologies can work together to penetrate the $32 Billion USD market opportunity