MIME Capstone Design Engineering Ethics Preview (see winter term schedule)
NSPE Code of Engineering Ethics Fundamental Canons Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall: Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public. ... [emphasis added] Other codes (e.g., SME, IIE, SME) have equivalent statements.
Some Ethical Questions You Might Face Would you team with other students on a homework assignment when you knew the professor expected you to work individually? What if you knew “everyone else” was working in groups? Would you give a Capstone project CR a high weight when you knew it should be an LTE (but your customer did not and your advisor probably would not notice)? Will your Capstone project make the world better? Really? Should you care? Would you accept an onsite interview from a company from whom you knew you would never accept a job offer? Would you work for a company that manufactured chemical and biological weapons? Under what circumstances would you alter test data to make it more favorable to a product or project you knew, all test data aside, to be worthwhile? Would you, as a manufacturing engineer, recommend that a US manufacturing line be “off-shored” to a foreign country to save cost? To whom are you responsible, as an engineer?