Vocabulary for the month of March creado por señora Bennett
Quizzes & Tips Comida/Food Quiz will be the week of March 26th. Tips for practicing & memorizing: You can practice on this site. and/or You can make flashcards.
Can you name 3 foods you ate today? 1st graders will need to memorize ANY 7 of the following words. We will be practicing all of the following words, but you will only be responsible for 7: español pronunciation inglés pollo po yo chicken pescado pes ka do (cooked/dead) fish bistec bees tek steak tofú to foo tofu pan pan bread arroz a rrós rice frijoles free ho les beans zanahoria sa na oh ree a carrot maíz ma ees corn papa pa pa potato ensalada en sa la da salad manzana man sa na apple banana (Some countries use a different word.) banana queso ke so cheese helado eh la do ice cream leche leh che milk jugo hoo go juice agua (You know this one.) water azúcar a soo kar sugar sal sal salt pimienta pea mee en ta pepper
& the Food Network site for recipes: Here are some useful sites to listen, practice and view our comida/food vocabulary & the Food Network site for recipes: http://www.spanishspanish.com/food1listen.html http://www.spanishspanish.com/food2listen.html http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes-and-cooking/index.html
Quizzes & Tips Comida/Food Quiz will be the week of March 26th. Tips for practicing & memorizing: You can practice on this site. and/or You can make flashcards.