ABOUT ME I was born in porterville CA 2nd oldest with two sisters LIke hands on work Car enthusiast
MY HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE I experienced at it's not easy as it seems You have to keep up with your work and not play around Try not to miss a lot of school days Finish your community hours as quick as you can
JOB SHADOW I did my job shadow with a mechanic I did my Job Shadow here in Lindsay I did my Job Shadow with MJ Auto Repair
PATH WAY My Path Way is to be a mechanic I sent an application to UTI in Sacramento CA My goal is to open my own shop or work for Chevy
POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS Move to Sacramento CA Get a job in Sacramento Get an apartment that they provide I got accepted to UTI in Sacramento and start school on July 25
LEAVING LHS Am feeling happy about leaving LHS because am going to start the carrier i want to do But am a little nervous because it's going to be the first time on my own
ANY QUESTIONS Thank You for your time! Any Questions?