Classroom Diagnostic Tool Update What’s New? Grades 3-5 ( Math, ELA Writing, ELA Reading, Science) Diagnostic Category Skills List Classroom Diagnostic Tools Student Data Analysis Alignment to Reporting Categories of PSSA /Keystones Exams Group Learning Progression Learning Maps Utilized for SLOs
What is not New Creating Test Groups Creating Test Sessions Printing Tickets Test Administration DRC Develops Questions for both PSSA/Keystone and CDTs High Correlation between PSSA and CDT for Multiple Choice Questions
Helpful Resources 2014 -2015 CDT Algebra I SLO Grades 6-12 Metacognition Templates Grades 3-5 Metacognition Templates Lower Grade Skills Pamphlets Upper Grades Skills Pamphlets CDT Range Scores Assessment Updates
Discussion Topics What is your experience with CDTs? When would you use a CDT? How often would you use a CDT? What have you found to be beneficial? What have you found to be difficult? How have you used the results/data maps? What would you want to know more about the CDTs? How can the IU assist?