The Early Church And How It Grew
How does today’s “church” look in comparison of that early church? What does the 21st century church have in common with the 1st century church of the New Testament? Has the organization of the 21st century church lost the connection with God’s Holy Spirit that characterized the initial “organism” of the 1st century church?
Attributes of the 1st Century Church: Was a “mobile” church – Acts 18:1-3, 27:3, Romans 16:1-24 Comprised of local body of believers: Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:2, Philippians 1:1 Was a simple organization of local elders, deacons, and pastors: Acts 14:23, 20:17-35, 1 Tim 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9
Worship and fellowship conducted by small groups of believes in homes: Acts 16:15, 18:7, 21:8, Romans 16:5, Colossians 4:15 Where homes were not large enough…they rented space: Acts 19:9, 20:8-12 It was under authority of apostles who had been with Jesus Acts: 1:21-22 Apostolic calling was the basis for right teaching of doctrine: 1 Peter 1:1, 2 Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, and Colossians 1:1
_______________________________ Earliest church practiced a communal lifestyle and lived from a “common purse” which folks helped to replenish: Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-36 _______________________________
What Happened to this early church? After the initial growth-spurt of about 5000 men (plus wives and kids) it began to be challenged by function The sociological and emotionally challenge of human systems got in the way.
The Persecuted Church, 41-260 A.D. Claudius 41-54 A.D. Nero 54-68 A.D. Domitian81-96 A.D. The Jewish Revolt of 70 A.D.
Trajan 98-117A.D. Marcus Aurelius 161-180 A.D. Septimius Severus 193-211 A.D.
Decius 249-251 A.D. Valerian 253-260 A.D.
The Early Church And How It Grew
Reasons why the Early Church Grew: The Pax Romona Development of the Road System The spread of Greek as the language of commerce
Reasons why the Early Church Grew Social Networks Caring for the sick, widows, and orphans Stance against adultery, abortion, and infanticide A Theology of love
How does this apply to our church today? What are the similarities? What are the differences?
How the Church Father’s responded 1 Clement 2 Clement The Didache (aka “The Teaching of the 12 Apostles) The Epistle of Barnabas Date range from 70 to 128 AD The Letters of Ignatius of Antioch Date range from 105 to 115 AD