Data Representation ASCII
What is ASCII A – American S – Standard C – Code for I – Information I – Interchange
Character Set A character set is all the letters, numbers and symbols on a keyboard. ASCII is a character set. The character set will vary between countries e.g. if any of you study French you will know that some their characters are different, so they have a different character set. It is possible to change the character set used on a desk top computer.
How is ASCII Stored ASCII is stored in bits and only 7 bits are required to store the code, but because we usually deal with groups of 8 (a byte) so an additional zero is added to the start of the code.
ASCII codes ASCII assigns every character in your character set Decimal A 01000001 65 B 01000010 66 Z 01011010 90 a 01100001 97 2 00110010 50 Beep 00000111 7 & 00100110 38 ASCII assigns every character in your character set with a unique code.
Control Character Most ACSII characters are either displayed on screen or can be printed on a printer. E.g. A, 2 Control characters include keys such as RETURN, TAB and DELETE. These are action buttons, that don’t show on screen.
Using 7 bits it is possible to store 27 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 128 Different characters in ASCII, However the English language requires fewer than 128 characters.
Written Task Exercise 2 (all)