1 determine DAY Say it: de • ter • mine Write it: Write it again: verb


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Presentation transcript:

1 determine DAY Say it: de • ter • mine Write it: Write it again: verb Meaning to find out the facts about something Examples You can determine the age of a tree by the number of rings it has. Synonyms discover; figure out We used a map to determine the best trail for our . Forms Present: I/You/We/They He/She/It Past: TOOLKIT determine determines determined Word Partners try to determine Examples The doctor is running tests to try to determine the cause of the patient’s stomach pain. It was easy to determine the author’s point of view when we looked closely at the words and details he chose to include in the article. be easy/difficult to determine Try It I tried to determine where the sound was coming from, but as soon as I went outside, the sound stopped. © Authors: Kinsella & Hancock 2015. All Rights Reserved.

1 logical DAY , it’s logical to expect that you may get a sunburn. adjective 1 Say it: log • i • cal Write it: Write it again: Meaning something that is based on careful reasoning and good sense Examples If you spend the day at the beach without putting on , it’s logical to expect that you may get a sunburn. Synonyms reasonable; sensible Antonyms illogical There was a logical explanation for the disappearance of the sandwich from the : the dog ate it! TOOLKIT Family noun: logic adverb: logically Word Partners perfectly logical Examples After my sister explained the difficult math equation, the solution seemed perfectly logical. Because my brother had a high fever this morning, my mother made the logical decision to keep him home from school. logical step/conclusion/ decision Try It When my father’s cell phone screen cracked, he thought it was perfectly logical to . © Authors: Kinsella & Hancock 2015. All Rights Reserved.

1 generalize DAY as diverse as the United States. verb 1 Say it: gen • er • a • lize Write it: Write it again: Meaning to form an opinion after considering a small number of facts or examples Examples It’s difficult to generalize about the population of a as diverse as the United States. Synonyms infer; presume It is unfair to generalize that older people are less . Forms Present: I/You/We/They He/She/It Past: Family noun: generalization TOOLKIT generalize generalizes generalized Word Partners generalize (something) from a few/limited (facts, examples) be possible/impossible to Examples Some students generalize opinions about a new teacher from a few experiences, but I prefer to form an opinion over a longer period of time. Guatemala is a tropical country, but because it’s much colder in the generalize mountainous areas, it’s impossible to generalize about the climate. Try It It’s not possible to generalize about the personality of all cats from experiences with only one cat. For example, some cats may be very aloof, but others are . © Authors: Kinsella & Hancock 2015. All Rights Reserved.

1 involve DAY Say it: in • volve Write it: Write it again: verb Meaning to include something as a necessary part, step, or result; to include someone Examples The of making fabric involves many steps, beginning with cutting the wool off the sheep. Synonyms include After a storm, volunteer work at the park usually involves planting trees and picking up . Forms Present: I/You/We/They He/She/It Past: Family noun: involvement adjective: involved TOOLKIT involve involves involved Word Partners typically/usually involve Examples The development of an interesting website usually involves creating engaging graphics and brief headlines. Our principal tries to directly involve students in decisions about the school dress code. actively/directly involve Try It In my house, treatment for a severe cold usually involves lots of . © Authors: Kinsella & Hancock 2015. All Rights Reserved.

1 generalization DAY Say it: gen • er • a • li • za • tion Write it: noun Write it: Write it again: Meaning a broad statement about someone or something that may be true in some situations but not all the time Examples It’s a generalization to say that all young girls like to play with and all young boys like to play with trucks. Synonyms statement; claim Just because you one race, it’s unwise to make a generalization that you are the best on the team. TOOLKIT Forms Singular: Plural: Family verb: generalize generalization generalizations Word Partners make a generalization about Examples The anthropologist used her extensive data to make generalizations about chimpanzee behavior. After becoming sick from eating lobster one time, my cousin has made the broad generalization that all seafood will make her sick. a/the broad/sweeping/hasty generalization Try It You shouldn’t make a generalization about a that you’ve never tried. © Authors: Kinsella & Hancock 2015. All Rights Reserved.

1 assume DAY Say it: as • sume Write it: Write it again: verb TOOLKIT Meaning to think that something is probably true, without having proof that it is actually true Examples My cousin is so much that I assume there is a lot of pollen in the air today. Synonyms think; guess Since the store was dark, and there were no cars in the , we reasonably assumed that the store was closed. Forms Present: I/You/We/They He/She/It Past: Family noun: assumption TOOLKIT assume assumes assumed Word Partners reasonably/safely assume that be a mistake to/wrong to/ easy to assume Examples If you enjoyed the first book of The Hunger Games, I think you can safely assume that you’ll like the rest of the series. It would be a mistake to assume that all models look perfect, because many magazine photos are airbrushed to remove imperfections. Try It Because the dog was wagging its tail, I thought I could safely assume that it was friendly. So I was surprised when it started to . © Authors: Kinsella & Hancock 2015. All Rights Reserved.