Staying connected Remind TXConnect (parent portal)
Teachers Amanda Haley– Math Joel Cunningham– Social Studies and Science Brett Glasscock– Language Arts
Planners Planners are used DAILY in each class. Please check your child’s planner daily for homework assignments. Over the weekend, please sign in the SATURDAY box so that we know you saw the planner for the week. If your child loses a planner, the cost to replace it is $5.00.
Homework You can check for homework by looking at your child’s planner daily. Students are expected to write homework assignments (which are written on the board in each classroom) in their planners at the beginning of each class EVERY DAY. All of the boxes (EXCEPT FOR READING) for each subject should have something written in them, even if it is “None” or “NO HW”. Homework assignments are not collected the day they are assigned.
Takehome FOLDER Every child was given a PURPLE pocket folder that will be used as a homework folder. Homework from all the classes should be kept in this folder, taken home, and brought back when due. We hope this will be an easier way for your child to keep up with those assignments.
Grading System The grading system for elementary schools is as follows (This scale applies to language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies): 100 - 90 A Excellent Progress 89 – 80 B Above Average Progress 79 – 70 C Average Progress 69 – 0 F Unsatisfactory Progress (Failing)
Grade Book We try to enter grades on a regular basis. “Missing” grades are averaged in as a zero. “Excused” grades do not affect the average. Progress reports will go home during the 4th and 7th weeks of each 9 week period.
CORRECTIONs Students have directions in their planner. Students may correct papers if they receive a grade of less than 70, but their corrected grade will not exceed a 70. Corrections need to be turned back in to the teacher within 5 days. EXCEPTION: State quizzes – there are no re-dos on these [This will be discussed in Mr. Cunningham’s room].
Late work According to the student handbook, students are expected to turn in work on the due date. Work that is late will be accepted with points deducted depending on number of days late. The school policy is minus 10 points each day the assignment is late, up to a loss of 30 points.
Absent Packets
DISMISSAL If there is a change in the way your child will be going home on a particular day, please contact the office by 2:00 or send a note to your child’s teacher. This will give the office enough time to make the change. Without notification, we are required to send your child home as originally documented. This is for the safety of your child!
Birthdays Treats may be brought to school for birthdays and will be shared at lunch. Per school policy, please notify the office and teacher 24 hours ahead of time. All treats must be STORE BOUGHT and nut free.
Language Arts Weekly reading passages will be assigned as homework. Reader’s Workshop Journal is used for notes, vocabulary, poetry and writing. “GREAT” strategy Literature Circles
MATH Journals: Notes, Vocabulary, Examples Think Through Math (link on webpage) Textbook is online and will not leave the classroom (link on webpage, log in located in planner) MULTIPLICATION FACTS!
Social studies Fifth graders study U.S. history and geography. Students are given at least a few days notice of upcoming tests, along with a study guide that is completed as a class. State quizzes will be given by regions. There are no retakes on state quizzes. My webpage has several links for state review games.
Science Fifth graders will take a Science STAAR test in May. It will cover Life, Physical and Earth Science. Vocabulary is a big component of Science. We will be working on this throughout the year. But, you can also work with your child at home. The students will be keeping a Science journal of notes we take in class. Like Social Studies, students are given notice of upcoming tests, along with a study guide that is completed as a class.
Textbooks All textbooks will stay at school. If necessary, textbooks are available online for science, social studies, and math.
miscellaneous Spiritwear Sale ends September 15. Please save Box Tops. It is free money for our school. If you are interested in volunteering, please let the office or PTC know.