Organizational Behavior
Topics to be covered:- Importance of Organizational Behavior Attribution Theory Personality Types Perceptions
Organizational Behavior
The role of the manager has become more important due to increase in workload and responsibilities. To help managers and supervisors learn more about the complexity of the new workforce this study has been developed. Organizational Behavior : Study of attitudes and behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. Organization behavior tries to examine different types of workers in all types of different situations.
Organizational behavior aims to help managers and supervisors in many ways. It plays a role in all facets of an organization. Finance, marketing and production are just departments within an organization. It studies the human behavior within the organization and the relationship between human behavior and the organization.
Importance of Organizational Behavior
Importance of organizational behavior in an organization are as follows:- Clarify the factors that affect how managers manage. Isolates important aspects of the manager’s job. Offers specific perspectives on the human side of management. An understanding in ob can play a vital role in managerial work. Managers aren’t aware of their relevance as managers in the business environment.
studies the attitudes and behaviors of workers and tries to determine the best ways to effectively manage and change them. studies how organizations can be more effective and how external environment influence organizations. help managers develop a better work related understanding of themselves and their subordinates.
Attribution Theory
It tries to explain the ways in which we judge the people differently, depending upon the meaning we attribute to a given behavior. It suggests that when we observe an individual’s behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused. Internally caused behaviors are those we believe to be under the personal control of the individual. Externally caused behavior is what we imagine the situation forced the individual to do.
Factors influencing internal and external attributions:- Distinctiveness: Consistency of a person’s behavior across situations. Consensus: Likelihood of others responding in a similar way. Consistency: Whether an individual responds the same way.
One of the most interesting findings from attribution theory research is that errors or biases distort attributions When we make judgments about the behavior of the other people, we tend to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors. And this tendency is known as the Fundamental Attribution Theory.
PERSONALITY Personality refers to the relatively stable pattern behavior and consistent internal states that explain a persons behavioral tendencies
Azim Premji – A Charismatic Leader Personality Traits like perseverance , integrity , planning , vision and determination have enabled Azim Premji to transform his family’s vegetable business to one of the largest software companies in India . Premji , Chairman and CEO of Wipro technologies , was rated by Forbes as the richest man in the country from 1999 – 2005. An absolute workaholic , Premji believes that hard work is the key to be successful in the highly competitive world of business. Colleagues still remember an incident when Premji flew down to Bangalore for an urgent meeting . He informed that a senior manager had been asked to leave because he had submitted an inflated bill. Though the amount was insignificant and manager’s contribution was immense he was asked to leave as a matter of principle. Premji has a great tolerance for dissent and eccentricity and believes that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. He propagates that to be effective in the business world , one should never compromise on the values, be highly commited to quality , play to win and leave the rest to forces beyond
PERSONALITY TRAITS Locus of Control:- It is a dimension that explain the degree to which people believe that they rather than external forces determine their own lives. Those who believe that what happens to them is related to fate, luck are externals. Those who believe that they are responsible for what happens to them are internals. Authoritarianism :- It is the degree to which a person believes that status and power differences are appropriate in an organization . Dogmatism :- It refers to degree of flexibility or rigidity of a person’s views
Machiavellianism:- It is a personality attribute that describe the extent to which a person manipulates others for personal gains. Machiavelli believed that the end justifies the means. Risk Propensity :- This the person’s willingness to take risk . Risk averse people are more cautious , make decisions more carefully and try to minimizes risk. Self Esteem :- It is the judgment one makes about one’s own worth . Self Monitoring :- This refers to which people are sensitive to others and adapt their behavior to meet external expectation and situation needs.
Big Five Personality Theory Agreeableness :- This refers to an individual behavior towards others while interacting with them . Conscientiousness :- It refers to the extent to which individual show consistent and reliable behavior while working in the organization . Emotional Stability :- It refers to ability of an individual to control his or her emotions at time of crisis . Openness to experience :- Openness to experience measures the individual’s ability to be open to any experience that helps him to do the job effectively . Extraversion :- Extraversion focuses on comfort level of an individual interaction with others.
Perceptions It is the process of selection and organization of environment stimuli and interpreting them to provide meaningful experience for perceiver.
Organizational Behavior / Perception
Basic Terms Perceptual Process :- Perceptual process begins when environmental stimuli are received through our sense. Most stimuli are screened out; rest are organized and interpreted based on various information processing activities. The resulting perceptions influence our emotions and behavior towards objects these objects, people and events.(CRONSHOW AND LORD 1987) Perceptual Selection :- It is the process by which people filter out most stimuli so that they can deal with the most important one. For Example: - The phone’s ringing , your television is blaring , PC is making strange noise . Which would you pay attention ? Which would you ignore?
Sub – Processes Of Perceptions Stimulus Registration Interpretation Feedback Registration
External Factors Size :- The larger the size of an external factor , the more likely is to be perceived Intensity :- The more intense an external factor , the more likely is to be perceived. Contrast :- External factors that stand out against the background or that are not what people expect are most likely to be perceived . Motion :- Movement or illusion of movement also tend to receive more attention Repetition :- A repeated factor is most likely to be perceived than a single factor. Marketing Managers use this principle in trying attention of prospective customers .
Internal Factors Personality :- It is related to perceptions , in part perceptions shape personality which in turn affects what and how people perceive. Learning :- Another internal factor of perceptual skills is learning which can lead the development of perceptual sets. A perceptual set is an expectation of perception based on past experience with same or similar stimuli.
Perceptual Organization :-It is the process by which people group environmental stimuli into recognizable pattern. Continuity:- It is the tendency to perceive objects as continuous pattern Closure :- It is the tendency to complete an object even though only part of object is evident. People can organize their perceptions in terms of closure principle ideas and information Proximity :- The proximity principle states that group of objects may be perceived as related because of their nearness to each other. Similarity :- The similarity principle states that more alike objects and ideas are, greater is the tendency to perceive them as a common group .
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