Nutrition Smojver
Nutrients The body needs the following essential nutrients in order to function properly Protein Carbohydrates Fats Vitamins Minerals Water
Protein Body’s building block There are 4 calories per gram of protein They are the bodies 3rd energy source Most important role is the bodies growth & repair of tissues General Rule for consumption for gaining strength: 1 gram of protein for every 2 pounds of body weight
Carbohydrates Your bodies 1st source for energy There are 4 calories in per gram of carbohydrates Essential for athletic activity Best to look for whole grain
Fats Are needed for proper body functioning Bodies 2nd fuel source There are 9 calories per gram of fat Saturated vs Unsaturated
Fats Unsaturated ☺ Saturated ☹ Preferred source of fat Still high in calories Use in moderation Come from animals Fried foods/baked goods Trans fat Must be on food label Way to increase shelf life This is what raises cholesterol Increased risk for stroke/heart disease
Cholesterol Naturally produced in the liver & also found in foods of animal origin LDL vs. HDL LDL: ☹ this is what contributes to plaque in arteries Saturated/trans fat sources HDL: ☺ helps remove LDL by taking it to the liver to be broken down Levels can be controlled with diet & exercise
Minerals Come from plants, fruits, veggies, grains, animals Disease can result from lack of minerals Help with: Bone & teeth formation Strength & muscular development Blood formation Metabolism balance
Vitamins Small amount needed for the growth and maintenance of the body Needed for utilization & absorption of nutrients
Water You can live longer without food than water Needed to dissolve waste, make up blood, control body temperature, and carry nutrients You should drink 2 quarts daily (64 oz)
Dietary Supplements Ex: Amino Acids, vitamins, nutrients, herbs Used to replace apart of your diet May be found in tablets, capsules, soft gels, gels, liquids, or powders Not considered a “drug” so it is NOT regulated at all!
Food Pyramid
Food Pyramid A guide to help eat balanced nutritional meals Contains 6 different food groups & a measure of Physical Activity Serving size will depend on age, sex, and activity levels
Grains ~ 6 oz a day ½ of those oz should be whole grain 1 slice bread or ½ cup of cooked rice, pasta, cereal = 1 oz.
Vegetables 2 ½ - 3 cups The darker, the better nutrients Russet vs Sweet Potato 1 cup of raw/cooked veggies = 1 cup 2 cups of leafy greens (spinach/kale) = 1 cup
Fruits 1 ½ - 2 cups Contain sugar, eat in moderation 1 cup of fruit/fruit juice = 1 cup ½ cup of dried fruit = 1 cup
Oils 5-6 teaspoons Fats that are liquid at room temperature Vegetable oils with low saturated & trans fat levels are best
Dairy 3 cups Liquid & solid products 1 cup of milk/yogurt = 1 cup 1 ½ oz of cheese = 1 cup Choose fat free/low fat milk
Proteins 5-6 ounces Meat, poultry, fish, beans or peas, eggs, nuts and seeds Try to eat leanest meats possible 1 oz of meat, poulty, fish = 1 oz ½ cup cooked beans = 1 oz 1 egg/1 tbl peanut butter = 1 oz