Budget Committee April 26, 2017
Agenda Y Election of Chair/Vice Chair Y Budget Committee Responsibilities Y Presentation of Budget Message and Budget Document Y Responses to Information Requests Y Committee Discussion Y Information requests Y Proposed Budget Committee Calendar
Purpose of the Committee Y Conduct public hearings to hear budget message and review the budget Y Listen to comments and questions from the public Y Consider public input in budget deliberations Y Approve the property tax rate to submit to assessor Y Approve budget and recommend to the governing body
Legal Mandates Receive the budget document Y Must hold at least one meeting to : Receive the budget document Provide opportunity for public input Y Must have a quorum (more than one half) to hold a meeting Y Cannot approve personnel, employee contracts, or salary levels
What can the budget committee do with the budget? Y “. .Budget committees role is not to directly establish or eliminate specific programs or services . .” (Oregon Department of Revenue Local Budgeting in Oregon p.11) Y Governing bodies responsible for setting budget parameters. Y By majority vote “may add or delete funding for specific services” but final authority rests with governing body.
Lane Community College Funds General Fund I Administratively Restricted Fund IX Internal Service Fund II Debt Service Fund III Capital Projects Fund IV Financial Aid Fund V Enterprise Fund VI Special Revenue Fund VIII Main operations fund Income Credit Program Instruction Technology Community Services Instruction Health Services The Torch Child & Family Women’s Programs Printing & Graphics Warehouse Services Telephone Services Motor Pool Employee Wellness Flight Service Technology QEC Bonds GO Bonds Recovery Zone Bonds Pension Obligation Bonds General Capital Projects Major Maintenance Deferred Bond Projects Plant Additions Student Financial Aid Federal Work Study Bookstore Downtown Housing Food Services Hospitality & Conference Services International Student Program Grant Funds Contract Funds Community Projects
Proposed Budget Committee Calendar Y 4/26/17 Budget Committee Meeting, 5:30 pm Budget Message, Proposed Budget Document distributed Y 5/03/17 Budget Committee Meeting, 5:30 pm Public Comment Budget Committee Meeting, 5 pm (if necessary) Public Comment Board Meeting, 6:30 pm Y 5/10/17 Y 6/14/17 Board Meeting, 6:30 pm: Public Budget Hearing Board adopts budget, appropriates funds, levies taxes
www/lanecc.edu/budget Greg Holmes holmesg@lanecc.edu 541.463.5516 Resources Budget Web Site www/lanecc.edu/budget Greg Holmes holmesg@lanecc.edu 541.463.5516 Brian Kelly kellyb@lanecc.edu 541.463.5310