Presentation at the 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium


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Presentation transcript:

Applications of Superconducting RF Linear Accelerators (Industry Perspective) Presentation at the 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Anaheim, California October 30, 2012 Scientific Research Homeland Security Medical & Industrial Defense Advanced Energy Systems Inc. 27 Industrial Blvd, Unit E Medford, NY 11763 Phone: (631) 345-6264 x110 Fax: (631) 345-0458 E-mail: John Rathke Anthony Favale

Outline Progress over past decades Industrial Companies Involved Applications: Scientific, Homeland Security, Defense Medical & Industrial Criteria for use of SRF LINACS Conclusion

Progress in SRF Cavity Development over Past Decades SRF LINAC accelerator technology has existed for about 50 years. The technology was developed at universities and government laboratories. The first SRF LINACS were built with industry supplying the cavities and the universities and labs doing the chemical processing, cold testing and assembly into the cryomodules. Industry accomplished this via technology transfer in the three regions of the world namely the Americas, Asia and Europe.

Progress II There has been very significant progress in the performance of SRF cavities for both electrons and ions over the past 20 years. Both Q value and accelerating gradients have improved dramatically as well as reduction of field emission. Most of this progress has been the result of improved chemical processing, oven treatment, high pressure rinse and purer materials.


72 MHz b=0.077 Quarter-wave Cavities for ATLAS Results Reported at LINAC 2012 Courtesy of M. Kelly, Argonne National Lab

109 MHz b=0.15 Quarter-wave Cavity for ATLAS/RIA 1010 Q 109 1.4 MV/Cavity Results Reported at LINAC 2004 Courtesy of M. Kelly, Argonne National Lab

172 MHz b=0.25 Half-Wave Cavity for RIA 1010 Q 109 1.8 MV/Cavity (4 K) Results Reported at LINAC 2004 Courtesy of M. Kelly, Argonne National Lab

345 MHz b=0.40 Double-spoke Cavity for RIA Q 2.1 MV/Cavity 1010 109 Results Reported at SRF 2003 Courtesy of M. Kelly, Argonne National Lab

345 MHz b=0.50 & 0.63 Triple-Spoke Cavities for RIA b=0.5 Triple-Spoke after electropolishing b=0.63 Triple-Spoke after electropolishing Results Reported at PAC 2005 Courtesy of M. Kelly, Argonne National Lab

Manufacture of SRF Cavities Requires: Industry Involvement Manufacture of SRF Cavities Requires: State of the art milling and turning machines Metal forming machines Chemical treatment facilities for welding preparation Electron beam welding High level quality control equipment and procedures RF tuning capabilities Rigorous process controls at every step

Industrial Involvement cont. Optional Capabilities: Buffered Chemical Polishing (BCP) (complete cavity) High Pressure Rinse (HPR) (complete cavity) Electropolishing (EP) (complete cavity) Vacuum Oven Treatment (complete cavity) Cold, High Field Testing Cryomodule integration and test

Industrial Machining and Forming Facility Large & Small Forming Presses CNC Machining

Industrial EB Welding, BCP and HPR Facilities EB Welder With Clean Room BCP/EP Lab HPR Clean Rooms Class 1000, 100, 10 Ultra-Pure Water System 6000 liters HPR System HPR System Service Panel & Pump Skid BCP System

Industrial Electropolishing Facility Designed and Built under contract to Fermilab

Major Companies Involved in Production of SRF Accelerator Technology Company Country Large scale accelerator projects active Babcock & Wilcox USA CEBAF Early 1980’s – mid 1990’s Dornier D CEBAF, HERA, FLASH CERCA F LEP200, FLASH Early 1980’s – end 1990’s Ansaldo I Mitsubishi Electric Company JP JAERI, KEK-B Since mid 1980’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industry TRISTAN; KEK-B, ILC R&D ZANON FLASH, ISAC, XFEL, GANIL Since mid 1990’s AES ILC R&D, NSLS II, PROJECT X R&D, ATLAS upgrade, BNL/ ERL Since end 1990’s Roark ILC R&D, FRIB Since mid 2000’s Niowave PAVAC CA ILC R&D, FRIB, ISAC-II Since end 2000’s SDMS GANIL RI (former ACCEL, Siemens, Interatom) CEBAF, LEP200, JAERI, FLASH. LHC, SNS, GANIL, CEBAF upgrade, XFEL, CESR, ILC R&D (Industrialization of SRF Accelerator Technology, M. Peiniger et al Vol. 5 World Scientific Publishing Company, 2012)

Summary SRF is now a mature technology due to the progress in SRF R&D over the past 20 years both for ion and electron LINACS. There is now a demonstrated competent industrial base in Asia, the America’s and Europe. Scientific applications dominate the market for SRF LINACS. Industrial markets exist for defense, isotope production and accelerator driven systems (ADS) for energy production and nuclear waste mitigation.

Accelerator Applications Science Defense Homeland Secutity Medical Industrial

Science Applications XFEL ESSS RIB Facilities – FRIB, Korea ATLAS upgrade e-RHIC Research FEL’s – FHI, Nijmegen, … Light Sources – NSLS-II, NGLS, Brazilian, Lund, … Spallation Neutron Sources - China, SNS upgrade SARAF upgrade Project X ILC …..

Defense US Navy Ship Self Defense FEL

Homeland Security Truck and Container Inspection Active detection for Special Nuclear Materials

Medical Diagnostic LINACS Treatment LINACS

Industrial Flue gas treatment Waste water treatment Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) for energy production and nuclear waste mitigation (China, India and Europe) Material inspection and processing Isotope production

The following criteria impact the decision to use SRF LINACS: Criteria for use of SRF The following criteria impact the decision to use SRF LINACS: Capital costs Operating costs Duty factor Accelerating gradient Beam loss / Safety Reliable operation Space considerations

Criteria for use of SRF II The costs of SRF cavities and their associated cryomodules and cryosytems are more expensive than room temperature LINACS. So in choosing between them there must be some advantage like lower RF system costs, lower operating costs, reduced beam loss, increased reliability or reduced space requirements. CW Systems A one meter long 1.3 GHz CW cavity at 20-35 MV/m SRF cavity at today’s state of the art will dissipate ~20 W of RF power. The cryoplant to supply this 20 W will have a wall plug power of about 20 KW. The same cavity made with copper would dissipate many megawatts, which would melt the cavity and hence the system could only be operated in pulse mode or at much lower accelerator gradients.

Criteria for CW Systems CW accelerators operating at reasonably high gradients benefit economically and structurally by utilizing SRF technology. This includes such machines such as: ATLAS SARAF e-RHIC US Navy/FEL NGLS Project X Isotope production accelerators ADS For CW accelerators with relatively low gradients (4-6 MV/m) the decision is not absolutely clear. Most of the recent Light Sources such as Diamond, Canadian, Australian, Taiwan, NSLS II, Korean and Brazilian have chosen SRF whereas the Lund Light Source has chosen a copper system.

Criteria for CW Systems II Accelerators for flue gas and waste water treatment must be CW. The electron energy for these applications varies between 0.8 – 1.6 MeV. The beam currents are about 0.5 amps. To date these systems have all been DC accelerators. To utilize RF LINACS for this application one can go with low gradients to reduce the power loss in the copper. The economics of such a machine clearly favors a room temperature accelerator

Criteria for CW Systems III For low energy CW accelerators such as those used for ion implantation and material processing and for truck and container inspection copper systems clearly win the economics issue due to capital costs and space requirements.

Criteria – Pulsed Systems For accelerators with gradients above about 6 MV/m, duty factors of 0.5% and above and energy greater than about 100 MeV the economics still favor SRF technology. This criteria apply to accelerators such as: XFEL ILC SNS China/ SNS FRIB Korean /FRIB ESSS For SNS and ESSS the front end of the accelerators are copper. SNS is copper to 186 MeV whereas ESSS will be copper to 53 MeV. For SNS the low beta cavities needed to replace the copper were not sufficiently developed at the time for construction. For ESSS, their study showed that at 4% duty the copper DTL economics wins out. (private communication with Mats Lindros)

Criteria – Pulsed Systems II For duty factors 0.1% and below the economics clearly favors copper systems due to capital costs. Examples of such systems are: LINACS for medical diagnostics and treatments, Homeland security systems used for active detection of special nuclear materials, and Small IR/UV FEL’s such as the machines at FHI and Nijmegen.

Conclusion SRF is not for everyone Large, high power systems benefit dramatically from SRF As power and gradient drop NCRF becomes more attractive