DOD Work Group Feedback to the Parliamentary Committee on Defence on the Restructuring of the Department of Defence
AIM To provide an information briefing on the progress with respect to organisational restructuring of the Department of Defence.
Scope Background of the DODW. Minister’s work session. Minister’s directive. PDSC 13 June 2005. DOD implementation instruction 15/05. Current Structure. Way forward.
Background of the DODW DOD Instruction 13/04 dated 29 July 2004. The instruction was a result of a resolution made at Strategic Work Session between the staffs of the Defence Secretariat and of the South African National Defence Force. The goal is to enhance effectiveness, efficiency and the economic utilisation of resources without compromising the ability of either the SecDef and CSANDF to account for their respective statutory obligations. It convened various meetings and work sessions between 4 February 2004 and 18 April 2005.
Minister’s Work Session Work Session: 20 April 2005. Minister’s Directive: 25 April 2005. DOD Implementation instruction 14/05 dated 20 May 2005 Aim: to detail the requirements of the Minister of Defence with respect to immediate critical issues that must be addressed by the Department of Defence. Number one critical issue: Ministerial Directive of 25 April 2005.
Minister's Directives 1. SecDef, as HOD and Acc Off, should delegate specific powers to the CSANDF with regard to financial accountability. 2. Chief of the SANDF must account directly to the Secretary for Defence for all the resources at the disposal of the SANDF. 3. Chief of the SANDF must command and control the SANDF, including essential resources required for operational efficiency and effectiveness 4. Secretary for Defence should not interfere in the direct command and control of the SANDF.
Minister's Directives (2) 5. Organisational restructuring in the DOD should reflect and reinforce the distinct roles of the Secretary for Defence and the Chief of the SANDF respectively, as prescribed in law. The recommendations of the Ministerial Task Team must be referred to in this regard. 6. Secretary for Defence and Chief of the SANDF must work together to foster unity and cohesion in the DOD. 7. Progress reports on the issue must be given every month at the COD.
PDSC 13 June 2005 Secretary for Defence and Chief of the South African National Defence Force provided their interpretation on the Ministerial Directive regarding restructuring. Certain particulars still need to be finalised between the SecDef and CSANDF.
DOD Implementation Instruction 15/05 The aim with this implementation instruction is to direct the Departmental Organisational Developmental Workgroup (DODW) in providing proposed organisational arrangements between and structures for the Secretary for Defence and the Chief of the SANDF. This instruction is due to be issued in the week of 22 August 2005. The work, however, already commenced on 12 August 2005. The work completed during DOD Instruction 13/04 would serve as the basis for 15/05.
CURRENT DOD STRUCTURES Minister of Defence Minister’s Staff SecDef Staff Secretary for Defence Chief of the SANDF CSANDF Staff Policy & Planning Division Corporate Staff Division Joint Operations Division Joint Support Division Finance Management Division Strategy & Planning Chief Logistics SA Army Mil Legal Services Joint Training Acquisition Division SA Navy Religious Services HR Support Centre Equal Opportunities Chief Directorate Corporate Comm SA Air Force CMI Foreign Relations Inspection Services DOD SA Military Health Services Service Corps Defence Reserve Mil Police Agency GITO Defence Intelligence Division
The Way Forward Presentations of Divisions’ structure plans, including migration plans, in compliance to the guidelines, principles and organisation and work-study practices to be provided to the DODW. Results to be presented to: PDSC. COD. Brief Parliamentary Committees. Brief the unions. Develop communication plan.
The Way Forward Compile relevant delegations and performance agreements at SMS level. Reconstruct the programme budgets for interim arrangements. Amend business plans as required. Appointment/transfer of heads of Divisions. Implementation accommodation plan. Appropriately review the WPD draft. Staffing/transfer of the remaining employees.
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